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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Designer Chien Neng Chang, Yu Yin Sun
English This house is the new house purchased by a male owner for old mother and young child, we plan out the mansion that accords with the requirements of 3 generation to live together. The spatial configuration is different from the general residence in that the dining room is the main space and the round table is inserted - the starting point of the concept. The eastern point of view is inserted under the western design vocabulary. The moving line planning makes the round table turn like the gears of a clock. And dining-room also is the gear of this home, let the family gather.
Native 空間配置與一般住宅不同之處在於,室內以餐廳為主要空間並置入圓桌-即概念的出發點,在西方設計語彙下置入東方觀點,動線規劃讓圓桌轉動起來,像時鐘的齒輪。而餐廳也是這個家的齒輪,讓一家人聚攏。 起區室現況有大形結構樑與柱體,因此以曲面手法形塑壁面與天花板,電視牆亦以優美大理石弧面包覆後側書房空間,曲形收邊同時將窗外風景納入室內。沙發背牆因應後推並利用磚面拼貼方式,結構優雅,並得以容納大型座椅。由於坪數小,透過長形臥榻設計與落地窗結合,提供採光、座椅等機能。空間細節運用白色鋼刷木皮、鐵件烤漆、金色烤漆飾板體現出法式的優雅質感,以不同觀點及材質詮釋東方概念。電視牆的外伸與書房書櫃的結合,為此案獨特之處,一進一退,讓書房空間加大並擔負工作、運動、客房等多種機能,柔軟的曲面讓公共空間更流暢。 進入私領域的走道透過雙邊圓弧牆面,猶如砂漏瓶頸,讓轉換空間更為流暢。小孩房天花板運用可愛的半圓垂板造型結合衣櫃,創造出女兒的小城堡。洞洞板設計讓孩子得以依喜好佈置自己的小天地。空間中沒有任何銳角牆面,考量家人使用安全,更回歸圓融的設計初衷。
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  1. The axis of space time turning

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