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Country China Hong Kong
Year 2021
Affiliation bdworkshop Co., Ltd.
Designer Clement Young
English "My goal is to make the best Gelato in the country. To reach this level, each taste and texture must be different, it must have its own unique formula, and everything must start with the raw materials." Store owner Jackson Dood Bottega Gelateria is the one and craziest one to make such quality handmade fresh gelato. "Dood" chose to do so for the benefit of our customers. Over time the importance of the environment where you relax for five minutes has grown, from breakfast to midnight ice cream. We have tried to bridge the gap between the craftsman who is unable to describe to everyone the little secrets. Fully hand-made Italian ice cream brand Dood, our client pays attention to every production process and all details. We also pay attention to design details when communicating with our clients about the entire brand design. Therefore, we added a lot of hand-painted landscapes and characters to the entire brand design, tried to put a little more casual and casual feeling of European design style, and wanted to highlight the uniqueness of traditional Italian ice cream craftsmanship.
Native 「我目标是做全国最好吃的Gelato,要达到这个境界,每一个味道,质感也要有所不同,也要有其独特配方,一切更要从原材料开始。」店主Jackson Dood Bottega Gelateria着迷于制作出优质的新鲜手做意大利雪糕。2020年在香港全新艺术文化商场开设第二分店! "Dood" 选择制作出如此优质的意大利雪糕是为了满足客户。随着生活急速的环境,放松五分钟变得越来越重要。我们试图弥合那些无法做到的工匠之间的差距。向所有人描述意大利雪糕工艺的小秘密和轶事。 全人手制造的意大利雪糕品牌Dood,客户十分讲究每一个制作过程及所有细节。我们在跟客户沟通整个品牌设计的时候也很着重细节的处理。所以我们在整个品牌设计中加入大量的手绘风景及人物,尝试放多一点欧洲设计风格上的随意、休闲的感觉,也想凸显传统意大利雪糕工艺全人手制作糕的独特性。品牌商标设计的灵感是从雪糕勺子及意大利雪糕的球状外型来的,颜色则是客户提供的,传统意大利雪糕餐厅的深红色。我们从品牌名称开始,一直和客户保持紧密的合作和沟通。所以这个项目我们投放的资源和时间也较其他品牌设计项目多。除平面设计外、店铺的装饰、产品包装以及套餐的设计也共同参与。
Website www.bdworkshop.com
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