

Extra Form
Year 2019
Award Winner
Affiliation EMspec
Designer EMspec
English The original intention of the design comes from the fact that modern people’s feelings about time are always rushed and cautious. In fact, clock timing can really change people's concept of time. Therefore, the design of the "quadrant" is intended to influence the connection between people and the environment through the clock. After leaving the framework of traditional time identification, the clock is transformed into a touching modern aesthetic. At each hour of the conversion, the "Quadrant" will perform a short dance of light as the theme of the starry sky. To combine the time, environment and people into a moment.
Native 「象限」設計的初衷來自於現代人對於時間總是倉促而拘謹的,時鐘顯時的方式確可以改變人們對時間的概念,因此「象限」的設計意圖透過時鐘影響人與環境氛圍之間的連結,在跳脫了傳統時間辨識的框架後,將時鐘化身成觸動人心的現代美學。 「象限」的發想來自於笛卡兒所創建「直角座標系」,再結合「星空」的意象,以點光源串成線條,運用燈光展現交錯的第一象線圖型。在壁鐘上能看到一橫一豎的燈球列,橫軸為小時數,總共十二顆小燈球各為每一小時;直軸為分鐘,共十二顆小燈球,每一點是五分鐘,並有三個為一組相近,作為方便辨識時間的設計。 象限的外框製作以多軸的CNC製程,為的是將金屬材質切削與光澤保留,以平衡明暗所作的巧思,在到玻璃面板上的上色,以直噴將發光亮點的可視角度拉到最大,不因觀看角度不同而有明暗不均的偏光現象,而是更加耀眼。整體外觀為一平面造型,溫潤而簡約,實質又堅固牢靠,適合各樣的室內環境,呈現出十足的包容力,完整呈現時鐘設計之於舒適生活的新樣貌。在每個整點轉換時,以星空為題下,「象限」會演繹一段短暫的光舞,將時間、環境與人在片刻融合為一,讓時光流逝之姿有了新穎的體驗,解開緊迫分秒的緊張,找回舒適生活的時光,優雅於室。
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  1. Exile

  2. MPU Drama Club and Drama Night Visual Design

  3. Everyday Holiday


  5. Folding Hangeul

  6. Arttab

  7. Xitst

  8. Origami Letter

  9. invitros

  10. OKOSIX Biodegradable Face Mask Package Design

  11. CMCC Smart student ID

  12. Emotion Cloud

  13. Neuraderm brand design

  14. TEAZEN Kombucha

  15. Condoms with a sex board game

  16. The Pola and the Lightning Dinosaur Series

  17. Chansol Korean Medicine Brand Identity Design

  18. Hokuriku Kawara Branding

  19. Metaverse NFT Project Hon

  20. 2nd Taiwan Film Festival in Toronto

  21. Babeldream cafe brand identity renewal design

  22. Asan Korea First Hot Spring City

  23. Bamboo Shadow and Breeze Bamboo Brewing

  24. Power Energy Systems Visualization Platform

  25. Uterus examiner

  26. Manmool

  27. Ofmom Formulamate

  28. IOC of Tongji Hospital

  29. ANBD Tokyo Exhibition 2023

  30. hashi

  31. RADEN

  32. Genetic Linkage

  33. The Beauty of Taiwan Nature Tableware Set

  34. TailsPark

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