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Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation baidu Co., Ltd.
Designer Ying Li, Meng Xu, Yang Zhang, Xiying Wang, Junjie Huang
English Infoflow Enterprise Knowledge Management System Design Solve the problem of inefficient the enterprise’s fragmented information.Offer lighter and more lively design, and incorporate multi-scene content of the office in the uniform design; Depending on AI technology, By means of well-structured information classification, provide clear user guide and rich multi-modal content display during interaction, to enhance users’ efficiency and pleasure in various office scenes.overcome the deficiencies of traditional working methods, and represent the future of intelligent office.
Native 随着智能化时代的到来、后疫情的影响,个人及组织转以更加数字化的方式来实现诉求,信息获取效率被逐渐解决,但对信息知识的管理问题尚未解决。据统计,企业中的数据信息高速增长,但只有很少一部分信息得到有效管理,导致大量信息知识零散流逝,阻滞企业的创新发展。 如流智能化企业知识管理系统设计, 解决的是企业数据信息零散、得不到有效应用的问题。提供了更轻量、活泼的设计语言,将办公多场景内容结合到统一设计中;依托AI技术,通过结构化的信息归类、内容呈现方式,在交互过程中提供了明确的使用导向、丰富的多模态内容展示,将有价值的信息应用在IM场景、会议场景、学习场景等高频场景,通过便捷的路径和展现方式,提高了用户在办公场景的使用效率和愉悦度, 解决了传统工作方式的多种不足, 是未来智能化办公方式的发展方向。
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  1. Smart Meeting Room Doorplate

  2. Map for different segments of population

  3. a map for older persons

  4. Expressions that Know You Better

  5. Customized Meeting Assistant

  6. Enterprise Knowledge Management System Design

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