Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Client Osmanthus Art & Cultural Co., Ltd.
Affiliation Printing Technology Research Institute and Osmanthus Art & Cultural
English This is an environmentally friendly tableware set that is suitable for storage, decoration and portability at home and in the office. The groove on the cover above the tableware set can be placed into a needle mountain to become a flower arrangement. The inner lining structure of the packaging uses the characteristics of paper and the concept of full coverage and fixation to achieve the protection function of not shaking and not easily colliding. The lower box is an integrated structure that can be flattened, which can save storage space and combine the fun of gift giving and unpacking.
Native 近年因社交距離與綠色減碳的風氣盛行,注重個人化與環保化的餐具設計概念油然而生。這次設計為開發適合居家及辦公場合收納、裝飾與攜帶便利的貝瓷環保餐具組。 在貝瓷餐具組外觀造型設計結合了花瓶擺設之理念,運用三件餐具合成一組之造型設計概念。在餐具組上方蓋子凹槽可放入針山即可增加插花之功能,兼俱收納、裝飾擺設之設計理念。 在圖紋設計上,選擇台灣各式風情作為特色元素,包括台灣第一高峰玉山、台灣藍鵲,以及茶葉等元素,帶出瓷器上台灣的風情意象,運用簡約與幾何的圖像表現形式搭配象徵自然的藍綠漸層色調,創造出具現代感的台灣印象。 貝瓷環保餐具組在包裝的內襯結構設計上,運用紙張特性與全包覆固定之概念,達到不晃動與不易碰撞的保護功能。外盒結構設計運用上下蓋搭配木材提把,表現出傳統手提禮盒的概念,下盒為一體式可攤平的結構設計,可節省存放空間,並結合贈禮與拆禮的樂趣,又可表現出減碳包裝理念。在包裝材質上,運用美術紙搭配外盒紅與黑的穩重典雅配色,整體傳達出方圓互容、永續和諧的設計意涵。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The tableware set stands out for its multifunctional design, combining environmental friendliness with aesthetic appeal. Its innovative packaging not only ensures the product's protection and compact storage but also enhances its gift-giving experience. The addition of a flower arrangement feature adds a unique decorative touch, making it a versatile choice for both home and office use.
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