Extra Form
Country China
Year 2018
Award Winner
Affiliation Jianshi + Yitan
Designer Jianshi Wu, Yitan Sun
English Cedar Hill Loop is a summer pavilion located at the heart of Central Park, New York. It is an underground ring structure, which follows the existing terrain of a hill. Powered by four industry standard mast lifts and a circular rail underneath, it is able to elevate and rotate itself to reveal spaces that are suitable for a wide variety of activities in different scales. Having nearly 30 feet of height difference, the sloped terrain of Cedar Hill is a perfect spot for the Loop to integrate itself in. It encourages the terrain to play a more significant role in the forming of flexible spaces compares to traditional architecture.
Native “雪松山环廊”位于纽约中央公园,是一个的灵活多变,满足多种功能的夏季环廊概念设计。这个设计整体以一个地下环形结构为基础,顺应地貌隐藏在公园的自然山丘之下。升降机和一个圆形的轨道使得“环廊”可以自由改变高度和旋转角度,因此可以满足各种各样的空间需求,包括:独立戏剧演出、小型音乐会、各种展览等等。当不需要时,“雪松山环廊”可以旋转下降到完全消失,只留下一点痕迹,在夜晚隐隐透出光线,成为长椅和聚会空间。整个设计突破了建筑往往建造于地势之上的传统概念,另辟蹊径将建筑“镶嵌”在自然地貌之下,从而使得自然地貌在建筑设计中扮演了更加重要的角色。在不破环自然开阔空间的前提下,丰富了公园的空间多样性和可用性。
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  1. Murakoshi House

  2. Weaving Haifu


  4. Wave House

  5. In Between the Red Brick Wall

  6. Chengdu BMW Experience Center

  7. QUARK

  8. Yung Zing Tung Copper Culture Gallery

  9. Grayscale of Light

  10. Space 5 point 7

  11. bibu pet store

  12. Mist Garden

  13. H Wave Wall

  14. Quanzhou Experimental Middle School

  15. IOC of Jingzhou factory

  16. Boundless Boundaries

  17. Ribbon House

  18. Mancave

  19. Chengdu MINI Showroom Complex

  20. Bamboo House

  21. Birch Forest

  22. Stream Office

  23. My Boundary

  24. Daotianyi Moutain Hotel

  25. House in Niigata

  26. DNAKE Smart Central Control Screen Knob

  27. Maguro


  29. BTS

  30. Changwon Public Library Rebranding

  31. KClighting Global Flagship Showroom

  32. IOC for Midea Headquarter

  33. Zhangzhou City Museum

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