
Plus Driver

Extra Form
Country Korea
Year 2018
Award Winner
Affiliation n/a
Designer Ko Jae-hyun
English Probably you have had the experience of ticking over due to slippery hands or lacked power when using a driver. Plus Driver helps you deal with these problems. Here, we suggest a convenient and brand-new experience through Plus Driver.
Native 드라이버를 사용하면서 손이 미끄러워 헛돌아 가거나 힘이 부족했던 경험이 있었을 것입니다. 플러스 드라이버는 이러한 상황들을 도와줍니다. 플러스 드라이버를 통해 새로운 편리와 경험을 제안합니다.
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  1. Between line and structure

  2. Sparkling cloud

  3. Divine Afflatus

  4. 17th MIDNIGHT

  5. Pink Dream

  6. Lingering Scent of Tea

  7. 75 Degree White

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