

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2019
Award Bronze Winner
Affiliation T M Design Studio
English The interior style preference of the clients is American style. However, they do not want to overuse cornices in the space. So decided to choose the main style is American style, but mixed with a modern look. To make it more simple and casual but still having that elegant feel and atmosphere. Considering the clients likes collect and change furniture and artworks. The designer took an art painting as the inspiration. Through selected furniture and their lifestyle within the room, the clients are able to create a ‘work of art’ of their own. Therefore, keeping the space simple but able to adapt to different styles was the key.
Native 因應業主對於美式風格的喜好,卻不喜愛過於繁瑣的線板,設計師加以簡單俐落的線條取代傳統花俏線板的設計,勾勒出簡約卻不失獨特性的美式居家氛圍。好客的業主最重視的空間即是餐廳,設計師規劃以長型餐桌搭配銀狐大理石檯面中島,提供至少八人以上充裕之座位。以業主喜愛蒐集與變換家中家具及擺設做為靈感,設計師把空間當成畫框的概念,不使用過多素材,以純粹的設計語彙交錯堆疊,創造居住者所希望的彈性空間,像畫布般的本質,經由居住者的筆畫,勾勒出自己獨有的色彩。 以同色調卻相異的材質相互搭配增添空間層次感,另如白色的壁磚拼貼、銀狐大理石、鍍鈦鐵件、灰色磐多魔地板等都呼應著空間中主要的灰白色調,堆疊創造出冷色調的純粹與靜謐氣質。另外,延續其中部分的設計語彙,以多樣的手法運用同一材質,表現出空間連貫性,銀狐大理石的應用在這邊就是個很好的例子。最後,為如此簡約的空間注入一點個性細節,設計師選用進口銅製金色把手等金色系五金配件來相互搭配,在銅質地低調光澤下的襯托,使空間又多了一份獨特的藝術氣質,具有畫龍點睛之作用。 空間色彩以冷色調的灰白為基調,加上一抹柔和的灰綠色,降低冷冽感,最後呈現出簡單優雅卻又獨特的美式現代空間氛圍,這樣的空間也同時保留了空間的使用彈性與保持變動空間表情的可能性,能因應業主未來搭配自己喜愛的家具擺設,而呈現出不一樣的風味,整體卻依然能夠不失諧和的共融並存,保持原有一貫的質感。
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