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Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Yaonian Design Studio
Designer Yaonian Li
English Multilayer superposition of buildings .Interlaced, like a Rubik's cube.From the origin,whether you go straight or flip it left or right,In many twists and turns, eventually will return to the original heart.The famous library in southeast China is called yuhai building.Time flies, the historical context here left a frozen moment. The installation art on the wall pays tribute to the traditional local art of Wenzhou embroidery. With the technique of reconstruction, it arouses the memory of urban residents, and completes the interactive dialogue between tradition and modernity.
Native 室内设计基于建筑的形态,在室内延伸了建筑的生命。阵列式的魔方带着序列感,围绕中轴对称的书架,打造儒雅、沉静的书院气质。不规则的金属装置悬于半空,充满张力的视觉美感,如同芳华绽放。 温州瑞安有中国东南著名的藏书楼——玉海楼,郭沫若曾为其题联 “玉成桃李,海涌波澜”,如今,它再现于由三千根金属搭建的立体魔方之中。时光如梭,历史的文脉在这里留下了定格的瞬间。 不论时间的流逝,城市的变迁,依然需要保持从容与淡雅。墙面上的装置艺术,致敬地方传统艺术欧绣,用再造的手法,唤起都市人的记忆,起承转合间,完成了传统与现代的交互对话。 洽谈区,意在去售楼处化,用当代艺术重新定义空间,打造专属的都市会客厅。皮质的沉稳、黄铜的优雅、布艺的舒适、大理石的高贵,优雅的高级灰点缀静谧的湖蓝,东方与摩登并存的氛围,营造高品质的感官体验与精神洗礼。
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  1. Exile

  2. MPU Drama Club and Drama Night Visual Design

  3. Everyday Holiday


  5. Folding Hangeul

  6. Arttab

  7. Xitst

  8. Origami Letter

  9. invitros

  10. OKOSIX Biodegradable Face Mask Package Design

  11. CMCC Smart student ID

  12. Emotion Cloud

  13. Neuraderm brand design

  14. TEAZEN Kombucha

  15. Condoms with a sex board game

  16. The Pola and the Lightning Dinosaur Series

  17. Chansol Korean Medicine Brand Identity Design

  18. Hokuriku Kawara Branding

  19. Metaverse NFT Project Hon

  20. 2nd Taiwan Film Festival in Toronto

  21. Babeldream cafe brand identity renewal design

  22. Asan Korea First Hot Spring City

  23. Bamboo Shadow and Breeze Bamboo Brewing

  24. Power Energy Systems Visualization Platform

  25. Uterus examiner

  26. Manmool

  27. Ofmom Formulamate

  28. IOC of Tongji Hospital

  29. ANBD Tokyo Exhibition 2023

  30. hashi

  31. RADEN

  32. Genetic Linkage

  33. The Beauty of Taiwan Nature Tableware Set

  34. TailsPark

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