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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation Living Design
Designer Hsiao Chi Chiang, Cih Yu Wong
English Different from the houses with white as the main point and emphasize of the sense of symmetrical order, the design team uses the strong blue color to create a visual focus in this project, applies color and modeling elements to show asymmetrical changes in the details, makes a static space pictures to transmit dynamic image and follows the principle of “change in unity” to create a contrast indoor environment. Also at the same time, with a suitable lighting plan, the lamps will be placed in the key positions to reduce unnecessary decorative lights, and the shape of the space will also create a special atmosphere for the users.
Native 全案雖以屋主嚮往的大膽、強烈元素形塑空間主題,但考慮到長久置身住宅應有的安定感受,因此我們精研每一個形狀、顏色的比例,在變化中追求穩定、在不對稱的混搭手法裡展現協調美感。公共空間裡採用不同層次的灰階色調,鋪敘寧靜沉穩的氣息,同時突顯深藍色調的濃烈醇厚。原有3+1房的格局配置不但將空間切割得極為破碎,也不符合現任居住者的生活型態與需求,為求私人及公領域都能保有適合的空間尺度,維持生活品質,因此將之改為兩間臥房,並使主臥能擁有充裕的更衣區。深藍色的主牆與圍繞牆線的長型燈帶,發揮引導視覺與動線的效果;隱藏於立面的門片設計、具穿透視感的半高沙發背牆,以及通往臥室、刻意將比例放大的圓形把手,皆為居家延伸出溫潤及豐富的生活意趣有別於一般多以白色為基調、強調對稱秩序感的住宅,本案以視覺感強烈的深藍構成視覺焦點,並在細節處利用色彩及造型元素展現出不對稱的變化巧思,使靜態的空間畫面能傳達動感意象,並遵循「寓變化於統一」的原則創造一個對比中不失協調的室內環境。因應家庭所需的收納量,我們也將櫃體與牆面、門片做一整合,維持一體成形、俐落的空間立面。同時藉由合宜的照明計劃,將燈盞配置於重點位置,減少多餘的裝飾燈,形塑空間風格也為使用者築構特殊氛圍。
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  5. Folding Hangeul

  6. Arttab

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