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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Designer Tzu Tzu Hsu
English The exterior design adopted white modern lines and rhythm, which correspond to the waterfront on the side, forming a natural conversation between space and nature, while the continuity of its modern building exterior conforms to the design for the young group, while also featuring the supposed sense of dignity, as we hope to create the spatial quality of a new era light mansion. Cold colors are adopted for the color application, hoping that the overall space is light without burden, while further allowing the fashionable spatial atmosphere to circulate within the space.
Native 外觀之設計採以白色的現代線條韻律,與一旁的水岸呼應,空間與自然對話,而其現代化建築外觀的延續性,既符合年輕族群設計,亦不失該有的尊榮感,我們希望營造新時代輕豪宅的空間質感。 在色彩的運用上,採以淡漠色澤,希望整體空間輕巧無負擔,更讓時尚的空間氛圍於空間中流轉,此外,我們挑空上方的序列格柵,用以圍塑貫穿整體的風格樣貌,此外,於主要入口處設以全白挑空,並垂掛姿態猶似如布幔輕巧的玻璃管造型,以此示意外觀的白色線條,配搭上水岸的語言形象,最後再以傢俱飾品點綴整體空間的風格及色澤調性。 往深處探去,屋頂和空中花園銜接了一個提供給住戶聊天聚會的陽光屋,置身於此能夠靜享陽光的沐浴及綠意的滋養。 我們用度假屋的理念作為設計模式,不僅參考飯店式的軟硬體設備,其設施擴及健身房、遊戲間、空中花園,而在軟裝飾品的品牌及樣式皆採以較為新穎的設計造型與風格,搭配高彩度的地毯,藉此主導視覺焦點,呈現宛若飯店的設計風格,為此區域注入一片自然暖意,匯聚成一幅溫馨的人文景致。
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  5. Folding Hangeul

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