
Missing And Missing

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Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Dalian Minzu University
Designer BinggeYang, ZixuanZhao, YeyuanChen, JiaTian, ChunyanHan
English Missing And Missing is a new type of engineering vehicle that can detect and repair the damaged sections of the road in a timely manner without affecting the normal traffic order. The front end of the vehicle is equipped with mechanical detection equipment for road smoothness. The front end of the vehicle is equipped with mechanical road roughness detection equipment. Detect damage to the road surface through a row of wheels at the front end of the car. Using the depth ultrasonic sensor to detect the pit. When the wheel detects a damaged section of the road, the wheel drops due to gravity and the filling procedure is initiated.
Native 随着现代城市的发展,交通拥堵的问题越来越严重,有很多时候都是由于道路严重破损造成的车辆无法快速通过造成大面积的交通堵塞。当道路出现不同程度损毁的时候,不维修就会影响正常车辆通行,甚至可能引起交通事故造成人员伤亡。如果封闭维修,会对交通造成巨大的影响。查缺补漏是一款可以在不影响正常交通秩序的前提下进行道路损坏路段的时时检测和及时填补维修的新型工程车辆。车辆前端安装了道路平整度机械探测设备,通过车前端的一排车轮检测路面破损状况,并且运用超声波传感器的技术检测坑的深度。当车轮检测到路面的破损路段,车轮由于重力下降,同时启动填补程序,下降车轮对应的喷口会后续喷出胶状荧光填补材料。这种临时的填补材料既可以暂时填平路面,又可以提醒夜晚行驶的车辆路况。可以在不进行大规模封路的前提下,暂时解决路面的平整度和车辆顺畅行驶问题,保障人们正常的生活。
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