Country |
China |
Year |
2021 |
Award |
Affiliation |
Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute |
Designer |
Guo Chenkai, Bao Liyuan, Wang Wanying, WuKe, ZhiZi |
English |
With a curved cup design, people may have to raise their heads by drinking water, so that they can exercise their cervical spine by drinking water from their heads. The cup is made of ceramics and is shaped like a curved cylinder, simulating the human cervical vertebra. The back of the cup has a protrusion similar to human cervical vertebra. When the user touches the protrusion, he will associate it with the gradually hardening cervical vertebra, so as to remind people to pay attention to the health of cervical vertebra. |
Native |
当今社会有一大批人,随着工作的需要,手机等电子产品应运而生,越来越多的人开始埋头学习、阅读和工作,人们忽视了他们的颈椎健康。颈椎病威胁着人类的健康,这是一个可怕的问题,人们一旦接触到杯子,就会联想到僵硬的脊椎。倾斜的杯子设计,人们可能不得不通过喝水来抬起头,这也是一个关于移动颈椎的健康指南。杯子是陶瓷制成的,形状是一个弯曲的圆柱体,模拟人的颈椎。此外,杯子背面有一个类似人类颈椎的突出物。当使用者拿起水杯触摸突起物时,会提醒他或她逐渐变硬的颈椎,从而达到提醒人们注意颈椎健康的目的。杯子有一个弯曲的角度,人们只能仰着头喝水,这样可以提醒人们多锻炼颈椎,本设计的目的是利用陶瓷水杯的形状提醒和引导人们注意和保护颈椎。 |
Positive Comments |