Country | China |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Kookmin University |
Designer | baoliyuan, Luoshunren, ZhaoJian, LiaoPengcheng, ShiXiaohe |
English | As the old saying goes:"disease enters by the mouth".There are a lot of germs on our hands,we can get ill if the edge of the bowl get contaminated by dirty hands.Now,we can hold the Umbrella with the additional edge instead of contacting the edge which our mouth touched.The Umbrella can protect us from getting illness simply by changing where we grab the bowl from upper edge to the additional edge in the middle.The reason why the bowl called umbrella is the additional edge is like the Umbrella which can prevent bacteria from growing and also can lift the bottom up to keep the inside clean when you need to stack multiple bowls. |
Native | 常言道:“疾病由口而入”。我们手上有很多细菌,如果碗边被脏手污染,我们就会生病。现在,我们可以用额外的边缘来撑伞,而不是用嘴接触的边缘。伞可以保护我们不生病,只要改变我们从上边缘拿碗到中间的额外边缘。 这个碗之所以叫做伞,是因为它的额外的边缘就像伞一样,可以防止细菌的生长,当你需要堆叠多个碗的时候,也可以把碗底向上提起来保持里面的清洁 。厨房或餐厅里总是会出问题,碗溢出来会弄脏桌子。如何防止这种情况发生?雨伞可以帮你解决这个问题。有一个额外的边缘与伞来收集溢出,使桌子将保持清洁。随着人们健康意识的提高,快速餐饮成为人们的主要生活方式,餐具清洁、健康又被消费者不断重视,所以Umbrella有一定的商业价值. |
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Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin