Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | THEWALL |
Designer | Wei Ting Lin |
English | The client of this project is a middle-aged aviation sport enthusiast. The design concept of the project is derived from the flying clouds of the sky outside the house. This concept has also hidden the message of the enthusiasm of the client towards flying in the sky. The modern customized furniture, the application of different materials and achieving air ventilation without much electrical appliances are the highlights of the design. The space layout has been remodeled by the designer to meet the requirement of the family, adding detailed designs to create a pleasant and avant-garde residential environment. |
Native | 業主為中年飛行愛好者,與太太及一對兒女於杭州富陽購置此棟擁有專屬庭院的別墅。此案的設計概念是從飄入室內的雲為出發點,這是因為此獨棟別墅大開口寬敞的庭院及大面的落地窗可以讓雲有飄入之室內之的輕鬆氛圍,更寓意著業主對於翱翔天際的興趣與嚮往。空間配置的一番重新規劃後,讓各個空間可以取得相呼應的效果,符合業主一家的使用性,加入許多設計細節的小巧思,打造出舒適、明亮寬敞高品質的生活空間。由於本建築的整體空間的格局配置並不理想,設計師在保有原建築外觀之下,將內部格局做出內斂的創新性改變,以符合業主一家的使用性。建築修正改為南邊進入,並添加猶如飯店的玄關。將位於玄關右側的落地窗利用地面石材鋪面加強,以一個十字動線作為延伸整個空間的軸線並將此軸線引至大廳,區分了不同空間,並可讓家具得以自由排列而非如一般居家的制式配置。此外,餐廳的天花板採用鏡面材料消除視覺上空間高度的壓迫感,餐廳、廚房以及客廳採開放式設計,搭配落地窗引入外部四季景色。此案也運用了空氣對流原理,採取被動式的設計使冷熱空氣的對流發揮到極致,而非依賴電器設備。 |
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