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Country China
Year 2020
Client Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator
Affiliation Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator
Designer Qigui Ye, Mingqu Wang, Lei Tang
English This touchscreen hall operation panel is a part of the Destination Oriented Allocation System, aiming for efficient elevator dispatching. By taking into account waiting time, stops and energy-saving, it guides each individual to the most suitable elevator when registering a destination floor at an elevator hall. A physical aid button and voice interaction are elaborately designed for people with disabilities. VIP and the grouping mode make it easy to cater for different situations. The sleek and slim appearance can fit into any modern building. This panel can be stably mounted onto a wall, stand, and security barrier.
Native 该产品是一款新型的触摸屏操纵箱,是目的层派梯系统的一个智能终端。用户在轿厢外进行楼层登记,系统将目的层相近的用户指派到同一个电梯,从而提高电梯运载效率、降低运行能耗。 用户可以通过手动、IC卡、二维码、人脸识别等方式进行楼层登记。精简化的操作流程,有效提高使用效率。物理按键及语音交互的设计,为轮椅使用者和视力障碍者提供了便利。另外,新颖的VIP模式、组队模式能够满足特殊场景的需求。 以几何直线条为主的薄型化设计,加上侧面三角凹陷处理,从视觉上减轻体量,彰显品质感。合理运用金属、玻璃等材质,高光、磨砂等工艺,丰富视觉层次。黑白两种配色的选择,可以轻松融入各种现代化建筑环境。 符合人机工程学的倾斜角度,大幅提高操作的舒适性。铝合金边框包围钢化玻璃面板,合理去除尖锐边角,保障使用安全。产品整体光滑、触摸手感顺畅,具有良好的人机体验。模块化的设计让该产品可以适配三种安装方式(墙壁、立架、闸机),轻松应对不同场合。 人流低峰期,可智能调配部分电梯进入待机模式,节能环保。通过人体红外感应,在无人操作时关闭屏幕背光,节约能源。铝合金和玻璃等材料可回收再利用性,减少环境污染。
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  1. Oasis Opulence

  2. Leyeshan Township Rural Cultural Center

  3. Family Fun Oasis

  4. Dark Oak Apartment

  5. Simple clean and transparent

  6. The Transition of Elegance

  7. The Art of Living

  8. Tansu Tranquility

  9. Coffeehouse

  10. A Symbiotic Second Home

  11. Vive la vie

  12. Rewind


  14. Harlemroot center

  15. Meet Jiangnan

  16. Xingshufu Banouet

  17. Shanghai Hongming Office Showroom Design

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