Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Dong Lin Interior Design Construction |
Designer | Wei Chiang Liao |
English | The extensive diamond-shaped glass curtains covered on the building façade designed by Italian master architect Antonio Citterio manifest the enlivening architectural aesthetics. To reconcile the visual sense between the indoor installation arts and building façade, the designer decorated the space with lines in different angles, thus not only obscuring the extensity of space, but elongating the traffic flows in the building. The diamond-shaped lattices consistently decorated the building, corresponding to the glass curtains on the façade, integrate the indoor and outdoor scenes, thus intensifying the brand perception as well. |
Native | 從建物外看菱格紋是均勻分佈,但從室內空間看出去,菱格紋玻璃帷幕卻如巨幅裝置藝術般成為空間主視覺,在設計上是一大挑戰。 為求室內裝置與建物立面在視感上能調和均衡,室內以多角度線性與對角線作出多種表現,不僅弱化掉空間的零碎感,也拉伸空間整體動線。透過大面積透視玻璃上的線條,營造出室內外連貫與一致,帶出濃厚品牌視覺。 室內細節與室外菱格細膩配搭,雙廳間分隔櫃體也以交叉菱格為隔層,對應餐桌外窗菱格;天花板勾勒交叉線條展現強烈黑白對比;電視牆面的石材切線以不規則導線拼貼,皆呼應著線性主軸,精準的分割技巧切割出各空間領域,營造出鮮明俐落的景深效果。 靜謐大器的風格取向,以低彩度演繹卻能復興輝煌年代的氛圍,巧妙運用質材配置分割視覺軸線,開創通透的視覺感與奢華情境,更以此預示著對於未來的美好願景。 |
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