Country | China |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | GNO DESIGN |
Designer | Liu Zhe |
English | In the space of the hotel lobby, the designer attempted to combine the elements of nature, greenery, white and grey organically together, the low saturation of the space, endow with the breath of nature. Right in the middle of the lobby is an aerial view of Chaozhou's map, abstracted by custom perforated aluminium panels, a contemporary reinterpretation of a different "map" . |
Native | 酒店大堂的的空间里,设计师企图把大自然的元素,绿植,白色,灰色有机结合在一起,低饱和度的空间,赋予大自然的气息。在大堂的正中央,是潮州地图的鸟瞰图,定制穿孔铝板让地图抽象得像一幅画,这是设计师用当代的手法重新演绎了不一样的“地图”。电梯过道间,低饱和度的空间继续延续,但给予视觉焦点的是两张有趣的单椅,这张单椅名字叫Alessandra是国际设计师Javier Mariscal在1995年设计的一把堪称“颠覆”的座椅。Why does a chair have to look like a chair?椅子为什么就是一定要有椅子的样子呢?这是Mariscal经常自问的一个问题,简单却需要陷入不断的想象。反常规,自由,现代主义是需要坚持,需要推翻,需要梦想才可以实现的,这是设计Erinc向大师Javier Mariscal致敬。也向老一辈的设计大咖们学习。 主力房型是一个酒店的立足之本,设计研究了颜色对睡眠的影响,继续延续低饱和度基调上搭配绿色的窗帘,时刻不忘将自然有机结合到空间,睡眠也更佳安静。开放式淋浴间墙加上复古花砖,让混搭进行到底。 |
Oasis Opulence
Leyeshan Township Rural Cultural Center
Family Fun Oasis
Dark Oak Apartment
Simple clean and transparent
The Transition of Elegance
The Art of Living
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A Symbiotic Second Home
Vive la vie
Harlemroot center
Meet Jiangnan
Xingshufu Banouet
Shanghai Hongming Office Showroom Design
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin