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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Client Stanley Lee
Affiliation MUHO Design Studio
Designer Yu Fong Chang
English Having lived in this residence for 20 years, the design strived to solve the storage and partition lighting issues for housing many collected paintings by exploring new display solution with the design concept of “Stacking” where all spatial elements, even the paintings were regarded as single volume objects collided, stacked and extended both vertically and horizontally in articulation and definition of material continuity and functionality of different domains, as well as creating interwoven visual layers amongst the stacking of materials and paintings for a refreshing visual depth and living experiences for the client.
Native 全室設計面積為165平方米,是一個屋齡約20年的老屋翻新案。屋主有感於龐雜的畫作藏品無處收納,也沒有適合的展示空間,只能任其散落屋中,因而開啟這次的合作契機。實際場勘後發現除了收納問題外,整體房屋的生活機能,從採光、視野到動線均不盡理想。首先,在符合居住者慣有生活模式的前提下重整格局,強化空間機能及動線;再透過材質、顏色與設計手法,帶給屋主新鮮而豐富的感官經驗。在格局上,把原本截斷視覺且作用不大的和室房移除,擴大公共廳區的空間尺度、還原大面採光及可遍覽戶外湖景的優勢,得以增闢出猶如畫廊展廳的場域。位於中介處的畫作牆,清水模質感的畫軌門片前後共有十二扇,良好地展示了屋主的珍藏,藉由可左右滑動的設計與木格柵滑軌,更提供了不同畫作與光影之間交相疊合的視覺趣味。同時透過”疊敘”的設計概念,將天花板、樑、櫃體、牆面、地板甚至畫作皆視為單一量體,進而在各個量體間碰撞、堆疊及延伸,包含橫向櫃體延伸至牆面、直向天花板轉折至地板的處理,帶出材質的連續性,亦巧妙界定各空間的機能,強化動線的流動性與視覺深度,同時也和畫作交疊出和諧的視覺層次。在顏色和材料的應用上,考量基地對外坐擁自然景觀,於內則有色彩、筆觸相當豐富的畫作,選擇低彩度的黑、白、灰、大地色系,以及實木、鐵件、石材、具水泥質感等原始材質呈現,傳達沉靜、內斂的居住空間本質。
Website www.facebook.com/muhodesignstudio
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  1. Oasis Opulence

  2. Leyeshan Township Rural Cultural Center

  3. Family Fun Oasis

  4. Dark Oak Apartment

  5. Simple clean and transparent

  6. The Transition of Elegance

  7. The Art of Living

  8. Tansu Tranquility

  9. Coffeehouse

  10. A Symbiotic Second Home

  11. Vive la vie

  12. Rewind


  14. Harlemroot center

  15. Meet Jiangnan

  16. Xingshufu Banouet

  17. Shanghai Hongming Office Showroom Design

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