Country | China |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Nanjing WEI Design |
Designer | Shineng Wei |
English | Where there is spectacular view, there must be something gifted. The design inspiration of this project is Antelope Valley of the United States, and the idea it aims to deliver is “unbreakable love and hope”. Antelope Valley of the United States is considered as habitat of meditation and mind communication. It is guarded by Navajo for generations, but still faces fatal danger. Soft sandstone is formed by erosion from different forces in millions of years, presenting ups and downs of colors and sculpts, just like a dream. In the eyes of the designer, all this happens to have the same view with “the endless cultivation of love”. |
Native | 绝美之处,必然天赋秉异。 本案以美国羚羊谷为设计灵感,理念传达“坚不可摧的爱与希冀”。 美国羚羊谷被视为静思与天地心灵交流的栖息地,它被纳瓦霍族世代守护,却有着致命的危险。柔软的砂岩遭受来自各方力量百般侵蚀长达数百万年而成,呈现出跌宕起伏的色彩和造型,如梦亦如幻。这一切在设计者眼中,恰与“爱的漫长修为”不谋而合。 如果没有光,羚羊谷或许只能沉默于自然界之中,光与岩石的巧妙结合,成就了自然奇迹;如果没有爱情,生命将只剩下枯萎和乏味,爱赋予生活以希望。而羚羊谷喻示的爱情,是历经千山万水找到的那份独一无二的幸福,坚不可摧。 正如圣经《新约•哥林多前书》中所说:爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;……凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息。“永不止息”成为本案设计思想的焦点所在,仿砂岩的艺术壁材墙面,流转的曲线造型规避空间中的阳角,用灯光将墙面凌空而至,震撼的视觉效果与柔美的心灵体验和谐交融,展现爱的永恒力量。 |
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