Country | China |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | Shenzhen Qianhai Patuoxun |
Affiliation | Shenzhen Qianhai Patuoxun |
Designer | CHINO |
English | Refined sound quality in a stylish, use-friendly headphone with the added convenience of Bluetooth®-enabled connectivity, this smart wireless headphone will be your perfect music companion. Specially-selected 40 mm drivers & HAC chips deliver incredible clarity and balance. The comfort-cushion ear cups provide custom-fit that buffer outside noise for immersive sound, so you can experience music the way it was meant to he heard. The ear-cup-mounted sensors provide easy access & touch-sensitive control to remote functions by mere touch as close as your fingertips. Its light-weight and easy folding keep you on-the-go for everyday life. |
Native | 这款时尚,易用的智能无线耳机,具有蓝牙®连接的便利性,可在33英尺的距离内快速地连接智能手机、平板电脑、电视和其它蓝牙设备,是您完美的音乐伴侣。 特别选择的40毫米驱动器和HAC芯片,拥有精准调音的声学系统,确保声音清晰、音域精准且音乐情感细腻,让你无论在任何音量下都能听到饱满的出色音质。符合人体工程学的环绕式记忆泡沫耳罩,贴合耳朵轮廓;头带有柔软的衬垫,流线型设计将耳机重量均匀分布在头部周围,带来持久的舒适感,可缓冲外部噪音,带来身临其境的声音,因此您可以按照听到的方式体验音乐。 安装在耳罩上的传感器只需轻触指尖即可轻松访问和控制。 锌合金的铰链旋转结构使其不使用时折叠存放,节省空间;轻巧紧凑的设计也便于携带,让您在日常生活中随时随地享受音乐。 |
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Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin