Country |
China |
Year |
2022 |
Award |
Affiliation |
baidu Co., Ltd. |
Designer |
Ying Li, Tian Wu, Yongzhi Ji, Meng Xu, Kun Zhang |
English |
This design is fully based on the psychological and behavioral characteristics of the elderly. We re-designed the overall structure and visual elements of the map information, to greatly reduce psychological burden and operation difficulties. Featuring AI technology, the app recommends customized solutions. AR technology is applied to complex scenarios to help the elderly identify the direction. The functions of family map or emergency rescue are provided, to acquire the elderly’s position for rescue in an emergency. By means of voice and prosody transfer and PTA technology, the elderly feel like being accompanied by families in their trip. |
Native |
完全基于老年人生理特征和行为特征(包括视听能力、运动控制、认知理解能力)进行设计 ,重新设计了地图信息的整体架构,简化布局和交互流程,通过合理的色彩、字体和排版设计,把内容和功能以更好的视觉感受呈现出来,整体设计对老年人更加友好、简洁、焦点清晰,极大降低使用心理负担和操作的难度。同时针对老年人的生理特征,我们设计了更加简洁和友好的语音对话流程。老年人可将自己的出行需求直接通过语音对话,快速便捷实现叫车、搜索目的地和规划路线的目的。
充分考虑老年人的物质和精神生活需要,设计了⽣活圈和社交圈,为⽼年⼈⽇常⽣活提供便捷,同时促进⽼年⼈社交⼩团体的连接,缓解孤独感; 利⽤声⾳韵律迁移技术和PTA,使⽤亲⼈声⾳和拟真形象进⾏语⾳对话、导航播报,解决出⾏中的孤独感,增强出行中情感的陪伴。 |
Positive Comments |