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Country Korea
Year 2018
Award Winner
Affiliation Lumir Inc.
Designer Jehwan Park, Hyungseok Yun
English When traveling in India, Jay the founder was shocked to find out that blackouts are frequent and the vast majority living in the rural regions of India still lack regular access to electricity. They relied on the candle to brighten their home, but it wasn't sufficient to lead an everyday life. The Lumir team noticed that lighted fossil fuels including paraffin and kerosene release 90% of the energy as heat and only 10% of energy turns into light. So using fossil fuel as lighting isn't efficient. Since Lumir K uses heat to generate electricity, it can save 80% of fuels and reduce 88% of CO2 emissions compared to a conventional kerosene lamp.
Native 인도 여행을 통해 정전에 대한 심각성을 알게 되었습니다. 아직도 개발도상국의 많은 가정에서는 양초로 어둠을 밝히고 있지만 촛불만으로 일상생활을 하기엔 너무나도 어두웠습니다. 루미르는 파라핀과 등유를 포함한 화석연료를 연소시킬 때 90%의 에너지는 열로 빠져나가고 오직 10%의 열에너지만 빛으로 전환된다는 점을 알게 되었습니다. 따라서 조명으로 화석연료를 사용하는 것은 효율적이지 않았습니다. 루미르K는 열을 이용하여 전기를 생성하기 때문에 기존 등유 램프 대비 80%의 연료사용량을 아낄 수 있으며 88%의 이산화탄소 배출량을 감소시킬 수 있습니다.
Website http://www.lumirlight.com
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  1. Exile

  2. MPU Drama Club and Drama Night Visual Design

  3. Everyday Holiday


  5. Folding Hangeul

  6. Arttab

  7. Xitst

  8. Origami Letter

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  12. Emotion Cloud

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  15. Condoms with a sex board game

  16. The Pola and the Lightning Dinosaur Series

  17. Chansol Korean Medicine Brand Identity Design

  18. Hokuriku Kawara Branding

  19. Metaverse NFT Project Hon

  20. 2nd Taiwan Film Festival in Toronto

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  24. Power Energy Systems Visualization Platform

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  27. Ofmom Formulamate

  28. IOC of Tongji Hospital

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  33. The Beauty of Taiwan Nature Tableware Set

  34. TailsPark

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