
Rescue Vanguard

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Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Dalian Minzu University
Designer XiaoqiMa, YuhangTang, RongfengZhang, FanYang, DiFang
English Search and rescue dogs play an important role in rescue operations, and can locate the trapped personnel accurately through sensitive smell. However, when the search and rescue dog and people work together, the mobility of the dog will be limited by people, unable to search at the fastest speed. Rescue Vanguard is a wearable device that supports search and rescue dogs to search separately. When performing the task, the search and rescue dog can set out alone, quickly find the trapped person and issue barking tips. The device will recognize the sound and return the location to search and rescue personnel and provide rescue routes.
Native 地震是我国造成人员死亡最多的自然灾害,搜救犬在救援行动中发挥着重要作用。它们可以通过灵敏的嗅觉和听觉准确定位被困人员的位置。但当搜救犬和人一起行动时,狗的机动性就会受到人的限制,无法以最快的速度搜索。同时,在确定了被困人员的位置后,搜救犬无法立即继续搜救,只能等待救援人员。 Rescue Vanguard是针对搜救犬设计的智能可穿戴设备,可支持搜救犬单独进行搜索工作。执行任务时,搜救犬可以独自出发,快速找到受困者并发出犬吠提示,设备将识别该声音并将此时的位置信息回传给搜救人员并提供最快的救援路线。同时搜救人员可通过搜救犬搭档与受困者通话并查看现场情况,以便对现场情况作出预估和准备。这种新的方式不仅可以提高救援效率,同时在一定程度上保证了救援人员的安全。
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