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Country China Hong Kong
Year 2020
Client People on board social enterprise Limited
Affiliation Thomas wong
English "The Legend of Cheung PO Tsai 2" is a thrilling adventure card game in which players can choose the character ,ship they want to play and draw a skill. By indicating the wind direction obtained by rotating the magic compass, the corresponding wind direction card is played and the ship is controlled in advance. The player who reaches the destination as soon as possible to find the treasure is the winner.The player can use the function card to choose to attack other players. The game can not only cultivate the player's thinking and resourcefulness, but also hopes that through the game and learn about pirate legends in Hong Kong history .
Native 一八四二年,張保仔死後二十年。他的寶物藏在長洲,為了這豐富的遺產,各方勢力均聞風而至。他們相約今天,用船艦一決高下,誰人最快圍繞香港海域航行一圈者,就可以得到張保仔寶藏!"張保仔傳説2"是一個驚險刺激的探險卡牌遊戲,玩家可以選擇想扮演的角色和船艦,并抽取一項技能。通過旋轉魔法羅盤得到的指示風向,打出對應的風向牌,控制自己船艦前進,最快到達目的地找到寶藏的玩家為勝出者。遊戲過程精彩有趣,遊戲玩法多變,不謹可以抽取各種特殊技能為角色本身增加力量,玩家更可以利用功能牌選擇攻擊其他玩家,未到最後一刻分不出勝負。遊戲不僅可以培養玩家的思考和智謀,更希望通過"張保仔傳說2"這款遊戲,讓大眾了解到關於香港本土的海盜傳說,加深對香港歷史的認識。
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