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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Midea Building Technologies Division
Designer Dong kai
English Capitalizing on digital twin and AIoT, this system enables real-time acquisition, storage and statistical analysis of all data and presents the park status on large screens or pads, so that the park operation and management would be more efficiency. Digital twin model and data confer an experience that was never experienced before, where the model can be linked and interacted with data, giving user an immersive access to the real-time status of any scenario. The customized data visualization content enhances readability and interactivity, delivering a user-centered efficient experience.The system reduces energy consumption by 10-15% a year.
Native 本软件运用数字孪生、AIoT等技术,系统实时采集、存储和统计分析各项数据,可在大屏、Pad等设备上展现全园区实时状态,提高园区运营管理效率。园区数字孪生模型与数据相结合,赋予了模型与数据可联动交互的全新用户体验,让用户沉浸式了解园区各个场景的实时状态。全新设计的数据可视化内容,提升了阅读性与交互感,以用户为中心营造高效用户体验。针对园区高能耗问题,打造的碳管理平台可对能源进行精细化管理,实时感知能源和碳的核心数据,助力园区制定精准的碳管理策略。该系统每年可帮助企业降低能耗10-15%。低碳路径,设置分布式光伏和储能一体化系统,从根源上减少对化石能源电力的依赖。智能路径以数字化平台iBUILDING为核心提供LIFE数智园区解决方案,将自有产品及业务与数字孪生技术结合,以数字化实现人、设备、空间的实时链接。以1个APP+1个管理后台,实现15大应用场景,26款产品,含110个核心功能模块,40+类设备接入,覆盖智慧通行、智慧办公、智慧运维等维度。
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