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Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Nature Times Art Design
English Since the ancient times in China, literati has refined custom of sitting by the riverside and compose poems while drinking wine together. The whole space has inherited this traditional elegance from the ancient times, and hopes to create a gathering place for modern literati. Function rooms such as the audio-visual room, the model display area, the negotiating area etc. are placed around the atrium, just like the ancient times when the people sit together along the river bank. The flourishing age of modern literati and cultivated people is reinterpreted by modern techniques and presented In the YOLAND-CITY Sales Center.
Native 进入合院的入口在长方形上边长的正中间,进入后的接待空间显得尤为重要。主色调用了令人舒适的暖灰色调,无数琉璃和金属屏风打造了一个平和内敛的氛围,透过屏风、琉璃、以及墙面上切割的取景窗,都能隐隐约约看到接待空间后的场景。穿过接待空间之后,中庭天井的画面跃然眼前,豁然开朗。这种欲扬先抑的手法,来自于中国传统唱本的叙事形式,起初的掩藏和下一空间的揭露,即刻产生视觉上的鲜明对比。 中国自古有文人墨客曲水流觞、诗酒唱酬的雅俗,整个空间延展了古时传统的雅事,希望打造一个现代风雅人士们集会的场所。影音室、沙盘区、洽谈区等各功能场所围绕中庭天井展开,仿若古人围河渠而坐,天井中安置古树和砚台石砌造的舞台,可附庸风雅,饮酒赋诗。在天空之城销售中心,现代文人雅客们的盛世,被现代手法重新演绎,呈现在眼前。
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  1. Exile

  2. MPU Drama Club and Drama Night Visual Design

  3. Everyday Holiday


  5. Folding Hangeul

  6. Arttab

  7. Xitst

  8. Origami Letter

  9. invitros

  10. OKOSIX Biodegradable Face Mask Package Design

  11. CMCC Smart student ID

  12. Emotion Cloud

  13. Neuraderm brand design

  14. TEAZEN Kombucha

  15. Condoms with a sex board game

  16. The Pola and the Lightning Dinosaur Series

  17. Chansol Korean Medicine Brand Identity Design

  18. Hokuriku Kawara Branding

  19. Metaverse NFT Project Hon

  20. 2nd Taiwan Film Festival in Toronto

  21. Babeldream cafe brand identity renewal design

  22. Asan Korea First Hot Spring City

  23. Bamboo Shadow and Breeze Bamboo Brewing

  24. Power Energy Systems Visualization Platform

  25. Uterus examiner

  26. Manmool

  27. Ofmom Formulamate

  28. IOC of Tongji Hospital

  29. ANBD Tokyo Exhibition 2023

  30. hashi

  31. RADEN

  32. Genetic Linkage

  33. The Beauty of Taiwan Nature Tableware Set

  34. TailsPark

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