Country | China |
Year | 2019 |
Award | Bronze Winner |
Affiliation | Guangxi university of finance and economics |
Designer | GUANGHUAYU |
English | This work took the Zhuang brocade and Zhuang language of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China as the creative elements, Split combination ornamentation and match with the rich colors of Zhuang brocade, combining with the characteristic tea products of Guangxi native to create a new tea product with local traditional cultural characteristics. |
Native | 中国广西八宝茶是由广西本地的金花茶、八角茶、茉莉花茶、玉兰花茶、薄荷茶、桂花茶、沉香茶、莲花茶八种茶品组合在一起的新茶文化品牌,具有浓郁的地方文化特征及独特的品牌调性。整个品牌的形象设计以中国广西壮族自治区的壮锦及壮语作为基础创意元素,将壮锦原有的纹饰进行拆分组合,在传承壮锦原有图形的特质下运用现代的图形组合方式,所有的图形设计均以菱形为基点,从而得到品牌的形象及辅助图形;品牌包装的内盒设计摆放也以壮锦经典的图形组合形式呈现;品牌色调抽取壮锦中的元素色彩,以紫若蓝、桃红、柠檬黄、暖绿四色为主色,运用色彩对比的手法,使整个品牌的调性充满了地域文化特色及浓郁的个性,在不失传统的同时又具有现代年轻化的特质。 |
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin