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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation YAPU Interior Design
Designer LI JIA YU
English The surface of the container house is covered with a aluminum plate both to enhance its water-proof and anti-fouling functions. H-shaped steel is used to reinforce stability and support canopy above the platform. A charging pile is affixed to one of the H-shaped steel bar to charge electric vehicles. As for the interior of the office, the walls of the work area are paved with chip boards, which, aside from being moisture-proof, have a rough and unique surface. The specifically selected flooring of stone plastic composite is durable, anti-abrasion and smudge-resistant, thus working well against the changeable weather in the mountains.
Native 設計師首先在貨櫃表面包覆一層鋁薄板,將基本防水抗污的機能性打造完備,同時凸顯時尚而前衛的基調。此外,在貨櫃前方規劃木棧板平台,整體托高地基,讓貨櫃免於受到地表濕氣與昆蟲的干擾,並且針對平台使用H型鋼再次強化貨櫃穩定性,且順勢支撐上方雨遮,不僅阻擋雨水侵襲,更增添平台實用性,藉此還使外觀更顯得粗獷豪邁。考量未來趨勢,其中一支H型鋼更增設充電樁,方便電動車直接在此充電,將科技與環保、效能與個性化的訴求,一次到位。 考慮台灣氣候炎熱潮濕,由貨櫃屋頂端夾層加裝隔熱玻璃,阻擋熱力由上方進入,並規劃植栽使周遭綠樹成蔭,解決盛夏季節高溫的問題,營造四季皆宜的舒適工作環境。貨櫃的外立面加裝大片玻璃門窗,納入自然明亮採光,也強化空氣對流,維持良好空氣品質。 辦公室內部,因受限於面積,故簡單分隔成左右兩區,右側工作區及左側休憩區。工作區牆面舖設密集板(甘蔗板),除防潮機能之外,粗糙的表面觸感也形塑不一樣的氣息,中央留出一條黑色腰帶,透過跳色豐富空間的表情。特別選用的石塑地板,具備耐用、防刮、抗污屬性,更能對抗山上多變氣候的特殊需求。天花懸吊的手工製長方形鏤空吊燈,光影的呈現方式也悄悄呼應攝影工作室的意象。 三面採光的空間,經由落地窗觀看戶外自然綠意的景色,綠色波浪狀的天花,不僅將視線由內延伸往外, 更與庭院的花草樹木相應成趣。最特別的,是休憩區底端開口,活動玻璃拉門向外延伸出一個小平台,坐在這裡俯瞰台中市區景觀,頓時充滿坐擁天下的自信開闊,和雄心萬丈的豪氣。
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