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Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Xianghui Hengxin
Designer Tan Xiaoxiang
English To convey the idea of preserving time, the design incorporates elements of a gramophone and nature. This not only emphasizes practicality but also adds an artistic touch. It serves as a makeup case, a music player and an emotion recorder that can be connected to a phone via Bluetooth. Its triple functionality breaks away from the traditional monotony of phonographs. Each level of the case displays ZFA's makeup products collection, ensuring easy access and convenience for daily makeup routines. Sustainable development solutions are incorporated into every aspect, from material selection and production processes to product use and disposal.
Native 这款礼盒不仅仅是一个化妆盒,更是一台可蓝牙连接手机的音乐播放器和情感记录仪。留声机的外观元素巧妙地融入化妆盒的设计中,成为一件既实用又具有装饰效果的艺术品。三联功能设计使其成为女性生活中不可或缺的一部分。外观设计注重简约,保留了留声机的经典线条,同时使用透明有机玻璃传达现代设计语言,打破传统留声机的沉闷感。内部结构精心设计,抽屉分层布局,每一层都陈列了ZFA的妆容产品线,为使用者每天的妆容塑造提供了集中度和便捷性。考虑到对在产品礼盒的使用生命周期结束后,双层陈列也可以为使用者提供了丰富的物品储物空间,一举两得,以满足不同场合和需求。 产品的设计考虑到了全生命周期的环保理念。从材料的选择、生产过程到产品的使用和废弃,都预采取可持续性发展的方案。有机玻璃顶盖的原料来自于废旧塑料瓶、电器外壳等循环再造。抽屉部分采用的密度板是可回收木材,以及废弃家具的再利用,节约林木资源。隔板内层选用可降解和可堆肥的植物基材料,能够实现自然分解,减少生态环境的负荷,这些都是为了最大限度地降低对环境的负担。 多功能化妆礼盒,以其创新的设计理念、丰富的功能性和环保理念,不仅满足了女性用户的实际需求,还为她们提供了一个独特的、富有艺术感的美妆体验。在现代社会,追求时尚、追求美丽已经成为一种生活态度,而这款产品正是为现代女性的多元生活方式而设计。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design, blending a gramophone aesthetic with nature to symbolize time preservation, has received acclaim for its triple function as a makeup case, music player, and emotion recorder with Bluetooth connectivity. Its innovative display of makeup products for convenience and strong emphasis on sustainability in design and materials has been praised for merging practicality with artistic innovation.
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  2. FoldWave


  4. Running badger electric go kart

  5. KAN

  6. One piece anti theft backpack

  7. DuoSTiX Hand Shower

  8. Wild wild child Fragrance Collection

  9. Exlicon Multi shape design tool

  10. Raresee The Eclipse

  11. Plani

  12. Seal Built with Native Soil

  13. Carry On

  14. Hypergrowth Onboarding Kit

  15. cocoda chair

  16. Ecological friendly multifunctional felt bag

  17. HeatConductive Smart Textiles CrossOver Scarf

  18. COS Conveyer

  19. A fast applied airbag fixing bandage

  20. TenKi Spliced magnetic suction toys

  21. MODULE collection DEESAWAT x SCG x JJD KMUTT

  22. Double Sided Chair

  23. Modular Screening Clinic for COVID19

  24. NBCQ Sound beach camping lamp

  25. The Sound of Length

  26. Degradable flowerpots without transplantation

  27. STRIX

  28. Highland

  29. Smart bedside lamp

  30. Antige Micro needles Therapy System

  31. Loven Collection


  33. ACE MEDICAL Medical Humidifier AHC Series

  34. Single RF needle

  35. TRIFIT

  36. Smart Posture Measurement BAREUM series

  37. ENT Medical Chair System

  38. STEADFAST Coffee Brewer

  39. yokun Olfactory Training System

  40. PANCOM Hope thermometer campaign branding

  41. Listener

  42. sos balloon

  43. FUN TO barbecue integrated box

  44. Aunion Objet Multi Plug

  45. Transper

  46. Cozy Time

  47. In Outside

  48. nabos Modernly reinterpreted Soban series

  49. Emergency Staircase

  50. Occhiali Da Sole Pin


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