

Extra Form
Country Japan
Year 2024
Affiliation Nozawa building contractor LLC
English “TOMARIGI” is a rack-like furniture piece that provides a breathe for your body and soul during the day, like a bird rest its wings. It is a piece of furniture in between standing and sitting that brings a gentle and sophisticated comfort to every aspect of your daily life. Whether you’re cooking, enjoying the scent of a coffee, or brushing your teeth, it creates a comfortable space according to your lifestyle. It’s a healing spot away from the daily hustle that provides a sense of tranquility just by its presence. Its innovative design blends in our daily lives making it more meaningful.
Native 「トマリギ」は、小鳥が広がる景色を眺めるように、暮らしの中のふとした瞬間にこころとからだを休めることができる「止まり木」が由来です。 立つでも座るでもない中間域の家具であり、暮らしのあらゆる場面で心地よさをもたらします。 キッチンで料理をしているときや、コーヒーの香りが漂う時間。歯磨きをしている最中。友人が訪れたときにも、トマリギがあることで新しい居場所をつくることができます。それぞれのライフスタイルや暮らしの場面に合わせて、心地のよい場所をつくりだします。日常の喧騒から離れ、ただそこにいるだけでこころが和む、そんな豊かな時間と空間を提供できる家具であり、私たちの暮らしに溶け込むデザインです。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments TOMARIGI designed by KENICHI NOZAWA was awarded a 'Gold Winner' at the Asia Design Prize 2024 for its unique approach to furniture design that integrates seamlessly into the rhythm of daily life. The jury was impressed by its versatility and the way it offers a moment of respite for both body and soul, akin to a bird resting its wings. The design's ability to provide gentle and sophisticated comfort across various daily activities, from cooking to enjoying a coffee or brushing your teeth, was particularly noted. "TOMARIGI" stands out for creating a tranquil healing spot within the hustle of daily routines, enriching our lives with its presence and innovative design. This furniture piece exemplifies how design can enhance the quality of everyday life by blending functionality with tranquility.
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  1. Intelligent Water Resources Dispatch System

  2. 4Paradigm Sage AIOS Packaging Design


  4. ScienceCom

  5. SAIO

  6. Welcome Digital Bank Visual Identity

  7. Care Together Happy Together Visual branding

  8. Manna corporate identity design

  9. Pingtan Book House

  10. Korean Medicine Blooms

  11. Re Braille

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  14. Graphic design for Gwangju city commemoration

  15. The Worldly book design

  16. Bexei The Wandering Earth

  17. Garden Salt

  18. SFOC Visual Identity

  19. Jeonnam Dragons Football Club Rebranding

  20. Law Greening Workshop

  21. Happy X Day

  22. Care U Most

  23. 2022 Graduation exhibition GROW GLOW

  24. Bubble Bomb

  25. Energy Utopia

  26. WALRUS PUMP Brand Design

  27. Newing

  28. The Song rhythm of Dongqian Lake

  29. SHIN KONG Bank Light Evolution

  30. ROKAF Typeface

  31. THE PENTHOUSE Visual Branding

  32. BE BETTER Packaging for the Earth in 2050


  34. YNL Design CI Renewal

  35. Sauce Expert

  36. Project Echo

  37. Zaishengdao Rice Packaging Design

  38. Butak Care app services for care workers

  39. Prejudice

  40. Origami Amenities

  41. History and Legend of Gangneung

  42. Concept ARC Dual Flush Valve

  43. Midea Industrial City smart operation of IOC

  44. MY CHOICE Visual Branding

  45. SHIFTDOOR RESIDENCE Brand Identity


  47. NCSOFT Leaders Kit

  48. Welcome FG Seasons Greetings Pack

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  52. Smart Home Network Wall Pad HDHN4000

  53. Sunforest

  54. XIJIAJIA An AI Digital Human

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  56. AIOT Smart Park Integrated System

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  58. 60 year memories of WAN CHUAN HSING

  59. Smart Home Solution System HDHN 4000SET

  60. DNAKE Sapphire Series

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