Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation Educational Institutions
Designer Feng I Ming
English The acrylic living workshop is a two-story building space with the advantage of height and sunlight, and the design focus is to create a bright. shining and modern event space, using Acrylic and stained glass are combined with metal supports as stylistic elements, combined with the use of various lights to create a place of display, friendship, education and training
Native 壓克力生活工作坊是在兩層的建築物空間中,是一個具有高度與陽光的優點,設計的重點是創造一個明亮.閃耀與現代感的活動場所,具有產品展示與推廣,同時具有觀光的功能,在材料上使用亚克力和彩色玻璃与金属支架相结合,作为造型元素,结合各种灯光的使用,產生在空間中擁有壓克力與玻璃透閃亮的視覺感受,在空間中捨棄不必要的陳設與擺飾以突顯空間原具有的開敞高度特色,在展示空間另設立一個夾層通道作為公司沿革與發展的歷史介紹,突出的小陽台其目的可以使訪問者居高臨下的欣賞整體空間所呈現出來的另一種美感。而在洽談區設立了吧臺以做為可以轉型為咖啡餐飲的功能,具有休閒聊天或個人獨處作用,是一个結合展示、友谊、教育和培训的场所。
Positive Comments
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  1. Columbia WAPPEN of 12 moutains in Seoul


  3. KISANGCHEONG Alter Weather

  4. Growlin


  6. Creative packaging design of red wine

  7. Cuppy bird

  8. Touring Torch

  9. Exile

  10. MPU Drama Club and Drama Night Visual Design

  11. Everyday Holiday


  13. Folding Hangeul

  14. Arttab

  15. Xitst

  16. Origami Letter

  17. invitros

  18. OKOSIX Biodegradable Face Mask Package Design

  19. CMCC Smart student ID

  20. Emotion Cloud

  21. Neuraderm brand design

  22. TEAZEN Kombucha

  23. Condoms with a sex board game

  24. The Pola and the Lightning Dinosaur Series

  25. Chansol Korean Medicine Brand Identity Design

  26. Hokuriku Kawara Branding

  27. Metaverse NFT Project Hon

  28. 2nd Taiwan Film Festival in Toronto

  29. Babeldream cafe brand identity renewal design

  30. Asan Korea First Hot Spring City

  31. Bamboo Shadow and Breeze Bamboo Brewing

  32. Power Energy Systems Visualization Platform

  33. Uterus examiner

  34. Manmool

  35. Ofmom Formulamate

  36. IOC of Tongji Hospital

  37. ANBD Tokyo Exhibition 2023

  38. hashi

  39. RADEN

  40. Genetic Linkage

  41. The Beauty of Taiwan Nature Tableware Set

  42. TailsPark

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