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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation South China Agricultural University
Designer Jianyi Peng, Jianpeng Wu
English Nowadays,outdoor barbecue has become a good leisure project for young people. To solve the problem of inconvenience, we have designed this FUN.TO barbecue integrated box. This product is a combination of grill, stove and storage box, which can store all the tools needed. FUN.TO is same as a suitcase and can be pulled like one. On one side there is a storage box, on the other side there is a barbecue cooking area. To use it, one just needs to turn it over, slide the protective panel attached and use it as a conventional cooking utensil. FUN. TO is intended to combine the aesthetics with the practicality and solve the problem of inconvenience.
Native 随着现代青年人对野营的喜爱逐步加深,户外烧烤成为青年人休闲娱乐的好项目。市面上用于户外烧烤的产品多种多样,一次户外烧烤需要用到的产品多且不便于人们携带。当前,人们正在思考如何使他们在户外的各种活动更加便捷,因此,我们设计了这款FUN.TO烧烤一体箱,是根据这个痛点设计的一款户外烧烤产品。本产品是由烧烤架,炉灶与收纳箱体的结合,可以把一次烧烤所需用到的大致工具统统装进箱内以便于携带。适用于家庭小聚,户外旅行,携带起来就如同拉旅行箱一般,也更适合放入汽车内。FUN.TO的外观是同旅行箱一般,一面是收纳箱体,一面是烧烤烹饪的区域。使用时操作简单,最大的亮点在于结构的创新,整个烤架烹饪区域相当于FUN.TO的一个盖,而要用到时只需将其翻开,再将附着上面的保护面板轻轻滑开即可当成进行常规的烹饪厨具使用。烹饪区设有一个烤盘与炉灶,可以同时实现烧烤与煎煮。完全展开后的FUN.TO全长有140cm,足以放置食材和厨具等物件。而箱体收纳空间也足够宽阔,大约可容纳一至两套烧烤工具物品。 FUN.TO意在将外观的美学与产品的实用性相结合,解决人们外出烧烤不便的难题,使烧烤变得更简单自如,同时也让人们更能体会到烧烤带来的休闲之趣。
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