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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Client Lian Ta Design
Affiliation Living Design
English As the singular styling of the pattern of marble plank, through the special arrangement and design, it was allowed to extend visually while creating different perception for each plank. With ample natural lighting pouring in, the white-color marble was articulated with the most exquisite aesthetics for a harmonious and tranquil spatial ambiance. This project was creatively anchored on the elements favored by the client such as white-color scheme and masonry materials to manifest a minimalist and fashionable styling, while complementing the many Chinese-styled tea-tasting set and art collections owned by the client.
Native 大理石薄板的紋路其實只有一個樣式,經過我們特別的安排與設計,讓它在空間裡呈現延伸效果,同時產生每一塊紋理皆不相同的感覺。搭配大量的採光導入,白底灰紋的大理石得以呈現最精緻的美感,營造出協調而寧靜的空間氛圍。 本案以整合屋主喜愛的元素為創作主軸,即運用白色系與石材呈現簡約、時尚的風格,同時也能襯托出屋主所擁有的眾多中式茶具及古樸的藝品收藏。並且基於男女主人各有不同的聚會需求,分別於一、二樓規劃出可個別運用的公共空間。 本案為一至三樓的獨棟住宅,設計面積分別為一樓188平方米、二樓149平方米、三樓122平方米,室內規劃為接待區、品茗區、起居客廳、餐廳、廚房及2房4衛。 原有建築的窗戶尺寸設計得特別大,考慮到屋主未來使用的便利性,全室窗簾採用電動式簾幕,即使是沙發後方的窗簾也可以輕鬆運用,深獲屋主喜愛。 全室規劃較大的困難點在於原有的天花板高度偏低,因此在隱藏冷氣空調的位置上都需要經過特殊的設計,其餘的空間天花則是盡量維持最大屋高,僅降低10公分,以達到視覺空間放大之效果。
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  1. Between Light · Corridor

  2. In praise of shadows


  4. Reverse time

  5. Single senior residents

  6. Realm of Tranquility

  7. Simple Corner of Nature

  8. Immerse in Sunlight

  9. New Asian Styling


  11. Extension

  12. French Sentiment Taipei

  13. UFO Collection

  14. Cloud Bookshelf

  15. Sales offices

  16. Pure WH

  17. Doggy Talky

  18. engraft


  20. Neo Modern L Bend Mixer

  21. FEI YANG

  22. Aroma Cocktail Lounges

  23. SpaceMaster

  24. Balance

  25. Poster [The Exhibition of Isu Is Size]

  26. Gwanghwamun Haemul

  27. Olive Young promotion packages for VIP

  28. Haizhou WuYue Plaza

  29. Symbiosis

  30. Colors of Strength & Tenderness

  31. Memory of Purple

  32. Caffe Diem @ Pekan Cina

  33. the track stretcher bed

  34. LIFE Lab.

  35. Boundary

  36. Cohesion

  37. Ai photography robot

  38. Colorful Palette

  39. The 10th Anniversary of CDU-Wintec

  40. The Hill Boutique

  41. Diversity and Cohesion

  42. Jade Artwork

  43. Synergetic Purity

  44. Black and White Narrative

  45. IJOY Slippers

  46. Reborn

  47. Microflat X

  48. bow lamp named "Monday"

  49. Circadian Glasses

  50. Forest Mood

  51. Dust Respirator Mask

  52. Seoul City bicycle

  53. Coreintive Corporate Identity

  54. Icy Speaker

  55. brutalist architecture

  56. KSCF Branding & VI

  57. DATAMONOLITH_AI Data Sculpture

  58. sosori

  59. Sunhyangjung

  60. Mobile Stream

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