Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Client Sysdeng Interior Decoration Design Enterprise
Affiliation Living Design
Designer Tzu Yi Yang
English The project reflects the importance of architectural planning and interior design. It includes various functional requirements of client’s current single life and the life of small family in the near future. To provide a good view and natural light, the five-meter-high fifth floor is planned as the main place for daily activities. The third and fourth floors are designed to be an exquisite suite, including balcony and bar table, etc. In this micro space, the team shows a depth of field with a large proportion of design elements and a careful use of materials and colors, so as to form a visual connection while defining functional areas.
Native 這是一棟位於熱鬧市集、由屋主自地自建的獨棟透天厝,整體設計配置來自其獨特的建築與空間形式,盡可能在緊湊喧囂且面積受限的環境中,創造出開闊的生活感受;簡潔俐落的空間造型與黑白灰的色調設定,則是以「都市型男」主題為出發,藉此與屋主個人特質互為呼應。由於整體面寬不到4米,因此在各個機能單元尺度的分配,以及於窄長形空間中進行挑高施工上,都必須非常精準。電視牆的高挑尺度及沙發背牆延伸至廚房的收納櫃,完整修飾了五樓的柱體,其間需透過繁複且細膩的工法,才能在支撐重量之餘,同時呈現簡約俐落、彷若壁飾板的視覺效果。在地上5-6樓的公共領域裡,運用夾層混合挑高、開敞格局等設計手法,擴大空間尺度,大幅提升採光及視野品質。此外,運用結構柱延伸設計出儲藏及展示櫃體,並與空間立面巧妙整合,打造俐落視覺。這個作品體現了建築規劃和室內設計搭配的重要性,也展現了一個狹窄空間裡舒適宜人的狀態。其使用設定囊括了現階段的獨身生活,到未來數年間可能結婚、育兒的小家庭型態等各種機能需求;兼之考量到基地的特殊性,為提供可眺望街區風景的視角及充沛採光,因此將樓高五米的五樓規劃為屋主日常活動的主要樓層,三、四樓則是包含獨立衛浴、陽台、書桌及吧檯桌的精緻套房。我們在此一微型空間藉由大比例的設計元素展現寬闊景深,並仔細斟酌材質與顏色的運用,於界定不同功能區域時又能形成視覺上的串連。
Positive Comments
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  1. Between Light · Corridor

  2. In praise of shadows


  4. Reverse time

  5. Single senior residents

  6. Realm of Tranquility

  7. Simple Corner of Nature

  8. Immerse in Sunlight

  9. New Asian Styling


  11. Extension

  12. French Sentiment Taipei

  13. UFO Collection

  14. Cloud Bookshelf

  15. Sales offices

  16. Pure WH

  17. Doggy Talky

  18. engraft


  20. Neo Modern L Bend Mixer

  21. FEI YANG

  22. Aroma Cocktail Lounges

  23. SpaceMaster

  24. Balance

  25. Poster [The Exhibition of Isu Is Size]

  26. Gwanghwamun Haemul

  27. Olive Young promotion packages for VIP

  28. Haizhou WuYue Plaza

  29. Symbiosis

  30. Colors of Strength & Tenderness

  31. Memory of Purple

  32. Caffe Diem @ Pekan Cina

  33. the track stretcher bed

  34. LIFE Lab.

  35. Boundary

  36. Cohesion

  37. Ai photography robot

  38. Colorful Palette

  39. The 10th Anniversary of CDU-Wintec

  40. The Hill Boutique

  41. Diversity and Cohesion

  42. Jade Artwork

  43. Synergetic Purity

  44. Black and White Narrative

  45. IJOY Slippers

  46. Reborn

  47. Microflat X

  48. bow lamp named "Monday"

  49. Circadian Glasses

  50. Forest Mood

  51. Dust Respirator Mask

  52. Seoul City bicycle

  53. Coreintive Corporate Identity

  54. Icy Speaker

  55. brutalist architecture

  56. KSCF Branding & VI

  57. DATAMONOLITH_AI Data Sculpture

  58. sosori

  59. Sunhyangjung

  60. Mobile Stream

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