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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation feeling design
Designer Rui Hung
English Adopt the "circular" and "streamlined" design scheme to perform the gentle and firm character of the hostess. Carefully selects sleek furnishing and arc-trimmed furniture to create a safe environment for children's activities. Take the advantage of excellent lighting from the French windows of the building, and then, by way of the smooth artificial stone countertop and polished flooring tiles to reflect the blue sky. In the meantime, introduce the enchanting outdoor scenes into the house.
Native 整體以「圓」與「流線」為設計語彙,體現女主人溫柔堅定的性格,同時為家中幼童營造安全的活動環境,從家配的光潤外觀,至硬裝的弧角收邊,處處流露父母對孩子的關愛之情;為使牆面、櫃體曲度更加滑順,表面漆有水晶礦物塗料,填補接縫空隙之餘,其極富彈性的特色,亦可因應包覆建材的熱脹冷縮,其餘如水磨石地坪等選材,也皆以較長久的使用年限為前提考量,讓家宅經年累月也不需一再翻修,恆久、永續地作為一家人的心神歸屬。 基於建物採光良好的優勢,全屋用色十分清新,並藉由光滑人造石檯面與拋光地磚映景,讓落地窗外的蔚藍天際,成為居家觸手可及的唯美妝點;在維持環境敞亮的前提下,窗前除有增添優雅氛圍的紗簾,另裝一層防止西曬的遮光捲簾,不論天色氣候如何變化,皆可確保室內舒適涼爽。 位於進門視線盡頭的起居室,呼應自然天色,藉地坪材質轉變的圓滑分割線,與水磨石地獨有的顆粒感,將山水意象無形化入簡約語境,加上天花板的蒼穹弧頂,綴飾小型嵌燈成點點星光,共同組成家中的特色端景,瀰漫悠閒靜謐於天地之間。
Website www.feeling-interior-design.com
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