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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Yufang Design
Designer CHANG PO YU
English A spacious open concept space encompasses stone and wood patterns revealing a grand style. The virtual mountain image blends with the outdoor greenery in the interior via various lighting fixtures and trim features. We concealed the electric wires and storage cabinets in the curved ceiling and decorative wall panels to make a clean and clutter-free view. The faux ceiling symbolizes the water flows, and the spliced stone panels play as a backing mountain. The vacation home comprehensively collects the wealth charm of Feng-Shui, distinctively and understatedly. Thence, we named the project Treasure of Charms.
Native 為求視覺上的俐落齊整,我們利用曲面和線版,將所有電器管線及收納機能,收束於天花板和壁面之內。弧形天花象徵流水,拼接石板寄寓靠山,大片落地窗迎納光與風,自玄關的粼粼水花流瀉一室,挹注「風生、水起、光亮」的聚財意象,內斂而風雅。看似張形時則藏形,於有形之中蘊藏無形,因之命名為《藏.韻》,典藏屋宅的大氣風韻。 呼應業主的金融背景和職業需求,我們運用風水學理,注入「聚財」意象——玄關處選用大理石地坪,接續鍍鈦屏風,置入電鍍的水花擺件,象徵潺潺流水。大片天花板採曲面造型,連接客、餐廳場域,內嵌間接照明,延續粼粼波光意境。整面電視牆選以金色山脈石材,沙發背牆拼接岩灰石紋板,形塑山石走勢,山水綿延層巒疊嶂。由玄關至公領域,放眼望去前低後高,前有流水背有靠山,寄寓財運流通漸入佳境。 為使宅邸更顯敞朗大氣,我們破除實體隔間,依照屋型及梁柱整合動線——包覆電路管線,埋藏收納櫃體,使整體視覺收束齊整。公領域天花板利用流線造型順勢連接,而非單純的模組化接線,並運用CNC切割工法,空間完全沒有浪費,同時減少現場廢棄物及施工時間,進而達到淨零減碳。沙發背牆一側與通往私領域的廊道,以層疊拼接造型,做為實牆及儲藏空間,串接視覺連續性,美型與機能兼具。 由於日常的會議需求,考量賓客的行步動線及舒適度,我們打通客、餐廳空間,以玄關屏風隱約劃分場域,透過雙向的連通走道,建構開放式格局。全室採用智能聲控系統,便於控制燈源、電器、開窗,並置入全熱交換器,以除濕控溫、調節空氣品質。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The "Treasure of Charms" project has garnered praise for its seamless blend of Feng-Shui and natural elements, creating a serene and grand space. Its innovative design, featuring hidden utilities and a nature-inspired aesthetic, highlights its elegance and functionality, earning it high acclaim for both its beauty and practicality.
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  2. Weaving Haifu


  4. Wave House

  5. In Between the Red Brick Wall

  6. Chengdu BMW Experience Center

  7. QUARK

  8. Yung Zing Tung Copper Culture Gallery

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  22. Stream Office

  23. My Boundary

  24. Daotianyi Moutain Hotel

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  26. DNAKE Smart Central Control Screen Knob

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  29. BTS

  30. Changwon Public Library Rebranding

  31. KClighting Global Flagship Showroom

  32. IOC for Midea Headquarter

  33. Zhangzhou City Museum

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