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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Shih Yu Chen
Designer Shih Yu Chen, Chih Hung Chien
English The display cabinets on the main wall of the hall are of a distinctive square design, and the ceiling part is deliberately selected with stainless steel mirrors. The reflections give the hall a visual sense of stacking up and high, and the lighting is used to make the space lively and jumpy instead of neat and rigid. The height limited initially by space is doubled as if it were an expanded reality. Group interactive learning is the central axis, and the learning space for different subjects is uniquely themed. An immersive learning environment with various changing elements is then created to stimulate students' creativity and potential.
Native 一樓大廳規劃接待櫃台與挑高展示牆及圖書閱讀區,除設置書桌椅,沿著牆面轉角亦添加沙發矮凳;此外,在接送等候區以木作架高地坪,闢出遊戲空間,讓學生在等候家長時,能恣意地閱讀或遊戲,讓孩童也能善用零碎時間自主學習。 大廳主牆面展示陳列櫃格採不規則方形設計,天花部分刻意選用不鏽鋼鏡面,藉著倒影讓大廳在視覺上有向上堆疊挑高的視覺感,並以照明襯托讓空間活潑跳躍而非整齊單一的呆板框架。讓原本空間受限的高度,像是擴充實境般地格外加倍放大。 二樓規劃有辦公室及四間一般教室,每間教室都規劃大面積窗戶與充足採光,以自然照明節能。教室天花以一道圓弧懸吊裝置,在修飾空調出風孔的同時, 也簡單的將教室的空間視覺勾勒出活潑俐落的樣貌。 三樓所規劃的圖書閱覽間及數學、科學、工藝、美術四間多功能學習空間,打破制式的學習方式,此處以分組互動式學習為主軸,配合不同科目的學習空間,別具一格地以主題式空間設計,例如在數學教室牆面貼有「加減乘除」的浮凸符號,並採分組圓桌,提昇學習趣味性;科學教室則導入天文科學概念,牆面是太空俯瞰地球的畫面,並採球形燈具照明,模擬浩瀚宇宙中的星體運行,搭配六邊形分組桌傳達出科學的奧秘與無限可能;工藝教室則有從天花延伸至牆面的不規則線條,矩形分組桌椅,方便學生手工操作。將多元多樣的變化元素,打造沈浸式的學習環境,激發學生的創意與潛能。 於教室外頭廊道,特別安置一座溜滑梯,以及設計房屋造型的閱讀角落,讓童心得以自由探索,孩童們能夠寓教於樂且快樂學習。
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  2. FoldWave


  4. Running badger electric go kart

  5. KAN

  6. One piece anti theft backpack

  7. DuoSTiX Hand Shower

  8. Wild wild child Fragrance Collection

  9. Exlicon Multi shape design tool

  10. Raresee The Eclipse

  11. Plani

  12. Seal Built with Native Soil

  13. Carry On

  14. Hypergrowth Onboarding Kit

  15. cocoda chair

  16. Ecological friendly multifunctional felt bag

  17. HeatConductive Smart Textiles CrossOver Scarf

  18. COS Conveyer

  19. A fast applied airbag fixing bandage

  20. TenKi Spliced magnetic suction toys

  21. MODULE collection DEESAWAT x SCG x JJD KMUTT

  22. Double Sided Chair

  23. Modular Screening Clinic for COVID19

  24. NBCQ Sound beach camping lamp

  25. The Sound of Length

  26. Degradable flowerpots without transplantation

  27. STRIX

  28. Highland

  29. Smart bedside lamp

  30. Antige Micro needles Therapy System

  31. Loven Collection


  33. ACE MEDICAL Medical Humidifier AHC Series

  34. Single RF needle

  35. TRIFIT

  36. Smart Posture Measurement BAREUM series

  37. ENT Medical Chair System

  38. STEADFAST Coffee Brewer

  39. yokun Olfactory Training System

  40. PANCOM Hope thermometer campaign branding

  41. Listener

  42. sos balloon

  43. FUN TO barbecue integrated box

  44. Aunion Objet Multi Plug

  45. Transper

  46. Cozy Time

  47. In Outside

  48. nabos Modernly reinterpreted Soban series

  49. Emergency Staircase

  50. Occhiali Da Sole Pin


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