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Country China
Year 2024
Client Shenzhen Qianhai Construction Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.
English Reception area: Boating Music follows the form features of the front desk, with the abstract shape of paddle lamps, based on the narrative logic of nature and meaning, to extend the artistic conception of life. Inspired by the ancient Silk Road, the embellished work“Silk of the sea” combines traditional red bricks with modern steel bars to symbolize the process of modernizing the city of Qianhai and the site of the project, the Steed represents a lively, highly linked, high-speed linkage between Qianhai in Shenzhen and Tangxia in Dongguan.
Native 接待區:行舟載樂 沿用前台形体特征,搭配抽象船桨形态灯具,基于自然与形意的叙事逻辑,延展生活意境。点缀艺术品《海丝》灵感来源于古丝绸之路,手法采用传统红砖,与现代钢筋结合,寓意项目为前海与项目地的城市开拓现代化发展的的进程,骏马代表穿行于深圳前海与东莞塘厦之间一种生气勃勃,高度链接,高速联动发展的思想。 沙盘區:浮光掠影 采用挑空设计,空间极具尺度感和延展性,艺术吊灯悬垂而下营造出强烈的视觉冲击感,引导到访者去探寻、发现和感知。沙盘区域吊灯设计理念运用前海湾独有的地形特征,结合塘厦桂湾府中的“湾”,从湾中延展出双湾相会,理念交融的寓意。在沙盘吊灯中特别定制深圳前海及东莞地标简笔图案,人与环境的和谐共处、相得益彰。 希望人们来到这里不仅仅是为了完成一场参阅或者洽谈,而是通过所见空间,对都市里的乡愁有所遐想。 洽谈區:筑巢云树 映入眼帘的便是巧借外景,洽谈区的布局,围合而克制,但与其他空间因一切有了光的流动和停留,而又让彼此各自推向独立,又在整体归一中实现了互为对话。这里,更像是一个不疾不徐等待清晨到来,或因流连暮色而静静发呆的一个空间。一切应了光的进来、穿透或停留或离开,在自然与简单中平衡出诸多美的心境,寂寥而美好。围坐中展示作品《丽湾》采用极简象征主义手法,以不锈钢塑造一朵祥云,轻盈,满载,漂浮在月空之前的意境,给人们传达一种共创美好未来的愿望,雕塑本身传达的是一种美好生活的向往和我们售楼处生活体验馆的核心理念高度契合,起到最终点题作用承载着对美好的向往与期许。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The reception area's design, inspired by the narrative of nature and the ancient Silk Road, has garnered praise for creatively blending traditional and modern elements. The abstract paddle lamps and the mix of red bricks with steel bars symbolize Qianhai's modernization and its vibrant connection with Tangxia. This innovative approach has been acclaimed for its artistic representation of cultural heritage and contemporary development.
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  2. FoldWave


  4. Running badger electric go kart

  5. KAN

  6. One piece anti theft backpack

  7. DuoSTiX Hand Shower

  8. Wild wild child Fragrance Collection

  9. Exlicon Multi shape design tool

  10. Raresee The Eclipse

  11. Plani

  12. Seal Built with Native Soil

  13. Carry On

  14. Hypergrowth Onboarding Kit

  15. cocoda chair

  16. Ecological friendly multifunctional felt bag

  17. HeatConductive Smart Textiles CrossOver Scarf

  18. COS Conveyer

  19. A fast applied airbag fixing bandage

  20. TenKi Spliced magnetic suction toys

  21. MODULE collection DEESAWAT x SCG x JJD KMUTT

  22. Double Sided Chair

  23. Modular Screening Clinic for COVID19

  24. NBCQ Sound beach camping lamp

  25. The Sound of Length

  26. Degradable flowerpots without transplantation

  27. STRIX

  28. Highland

  29. Smart bedside lamp

  30. Antige Micro needles Therapy System

  31. Loven Collection


  33. ACE MEDICAL Medical Humidifier AHC Series

  34. Single RF needle

  35. TRIFIT

  36. Smart Posture Measurement BAREUM series

  37. ENT Medical Chair System

  38. STEADFAST Coffee Brewer

  39. yokun Olfactory Training System

  40. PANCOM Hope thermometer campaign branding

  41. Listener

  42. sos balloon

  43. FUN TO barbecue integrated box

  44. Aunion Objet Multi Plug

  45. Transper

  46. Cozy Time

  47. In Outside

  48. nabos Modernly reinterpreted Soban series

  49. Emergency Staircase

  50. Occhiali Da Sole Pin


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