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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation T M Design Studio
Designer Huang Cheng Hsuan
English The interior of this design contains 75% white space. White is boldly integrated into daily life, with a focus on the flow of each area. With the method of removing volume, not only does it better meet the needs of the owners, but it also increases the fluidity of vision and moving lines. The use of different materials creates a simple but sophisticated design. Additionally, using gray floors and black furniture emphasizes the overall visual effect, as well as the purity and flawlessness of white. White color purifies the indoor environment and shows pure beauty.
Native 在此設計,白色佔據了空間75%的表面。大膽的將白色融入日常生活中的每個角落,同時注重各空間流動的相互關係,透過減去量體的思維手法,不僅更能符合屋主的生活習慣,更多了視覺及動線的流暢。 透過不同材質巧妙地運用及變化,呈現簡單卻富含精心安排的巧思,運用灰色的地坪以及黑色系家具為視覺捉住重心,同時讓白更凸顯其純淨無瑕。白色,淨化了整室,也溫柔地擁抱了視覺感,讓空白獨有的生命力,也能迷人的展現。 設計師將解構主義融入日常生活中,運用在天花板、主臥床頭牆面,打破傳統單調平面將其分解成若干形體,提升視覺感受;客廳的弧型天花設計也運用此手法,除了美觀也兼具修飾生硬樑柱造成的壓迫感,讓居家生活不只是「住」的概念,更多的是感情的抒發。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design is lauded for its bold use of white space, enhancing fluidity and simplicity while meeting homeowner needs. The strategic use of materials and color contrasts creates a visually impactful and sophisticated environment, showcasing the purity and aesthetic appeal of white.
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