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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation HO SPACE DESIGN Co., Ltd.
Designer Shih Lan Wang, Siao Lan Jhang, Yi Chia Chu
English This is a testament to the era of the COVID-19 pandemic , this design seeks to embrace the owner's lifestyle whilst addressing quarantine necessities. The design draws upon nature's palette, a testament to the harmonious symbiosis of man and nature. This dwelling, conserving fifty percent of its original timber structure, borrows strength from steel reinforcements, enhancing resilience. Its twinned sloping roofs gracefully shoulder deluges, their incline inviting natural cleanliness. The roof's cleverly extended edge, by 1.2 meters, guards windows and balconies from direct rainfall.
Native 這座寓居於山林的居所,是COVID-19疫情年代的產物。疫情間的隔離需求,讓這裡成為業主往返國內外工作時的舒適庇護。設計目標旨在創造一個滿足隔離需求、適應山地環境且符合業主生活及渡假放鬆的舒適空間。借鑑於大自然的元素,室內編織與山林緊密契合的畫面,結合生活,體現人與自然共生的理念。 全屋保留50%原有木結構,並以鋼構來增加結構韌性。以兩個大斜屋頂來消化暴雨時的雨量,同時帶來天然的洗滌作用。屋頂邊緣延伸出1.2公尺的長度,巧妙阻擋直接打落在窗戶和陽台上的雨水,並可阻擋直射陽光,達到室內氣溫調節的舒適效果,同時在屋頂設計上下縫隙,讓空氣產生對流,在炎炎夏日仍可帶來自然涼爽,減低能源消耗。 為實現視覺上的多元選擇,將電視牆設計在山景的落地窗之間,乍看之下宛如以虛實交錯的手法一體成形,讓業主可以沉醉於影音世界中,或享受眼前的山林美景。電視牆背後則為戶外陽台形構成一道背牆,讓業主可在閒暇時於戶外呼吸新鮮空氣,享受綠意。 主臥室採用拉門設計增加坪效,同時兼顧隱私並賦予視覺的連貫性,次臥以折門設計增加空間的靈活度,全開放時能與主空間銜接為開放區域,也可將此空間另做其他用途。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design was lauded for its thoughtful integration of pandemic-responsive features with a strong emphasis on sustainability and natural harmony. The preservation of the original timber structure, reinforced with steel for resilience, and the strategic sloping roofs for effective rain management demonstrate an innovative approach to modern living challenges. The extended roof edges further showcase an intelligent design detail for weather protection, earning high praise for functional and aesthetic excellence.
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