

Extra Form
Country Malaysia
Year 2021
Affiliation Vault Design Lab
Designer MatthewLye
English Silence, and absolutely snug and cozy are set as principles to showcase an oasis of comfort and style right in the heart of urban chaos. The main living spaces and master en-suite imbued with a series of slate grey materials, when the light poured in through the windows it washed over the surfaces with abandon. The dialogue between solid and void, between monotone and vibrancy, between active and static plays a drama within the space while the colors and textures of materials sing the ultimate high tone for the show.
Native 设计之初,客户就明确表示,他们要求房屋的布局设计要新颖有趣、创意十足,且兼具美学意义与感性色彩。环境安静、格调温馨、体验舒适是我们所追求的原则与既定目标,用作品来说话,使客户身处熙熙攘攘、热闹而又喧嚣的城市中心,也能享受到沙漠绿洲般的清爽舒适。起居室的主空间和主人套房内镶嵌了一系列灰色典雅的板岩材料。当清晨的第一缕阳光洒进室内,肆意地照射,其表面便会闪耀着独特的光泽,美妙而动人。相反,孩子们在娱乐室中玩耍嬉戏,整个房间仿佛也被温柔的日光笼罩上一层魔法,与孩子们的奇思妙想交相辉映,色彩艳丽活泼,与家中别处恬静安宁的设计手法形成了鲜明的对比。立体与虚空的对话,单调与活泼的对话,动静之间的对话,这一个个对话在房间之中共同上演了一出奇幻戏剧,而材料的色彩和质地,则如同动听的乐曲为这场演出伴奏。
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