

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Affiliation FOSHAN BOSI TAO DESIGN Co., Ltd.
Designer Zhuyuan Cai
English Take advantage of the trend Seek in light of the situation, move in response to the situation, and follow the trend. To design an exhibition hall, the space is not only a container for carrying, but also an expression of brand positioning, spirit and product system after being refined. Art Gallery: White To Be Black The floor height is 7 meters, and the ceiling is decorated with black stainless steel mirror, which extends the space and weakens the presence of other materials. Monologue Entering the exhibition hall, a colorful carp is lifelike, the fish body stretches upstream, the tail is layered, and the body is streamlined and light.
Native 唯一不变的是变化本身。 ——斯宾塞•约翰逊 顺“势”而为 因势而谋,应势而动,顺势而为。 展厅是品牌策略动态化的产物,它涵盖了VI、产品、场景运用及动线设计等,需谋定而后动。“设计一个展厅,空间不仅是承载的容器,更是对品牌定位、精神及产品体系精到梳理之后的表达。 美术馆:计白当黑 顺辉岩板展厅入口平缓,进入大堂,有豁然开朗之感。层高7 米,天花饰以黑色不锈钢镜面,延拓空间,弱化其他材质的存在感。譬若国画所讲求的计白当黑——一纸笔落,留白三分,韵味悠长,以内敛空间凸显展陈效果。 独白 入展厅,一尾色彩斑斓的鲤鱼栩栩如生,鱼身舒展上游,裙尾层层叠叠,体态流线、轻盈。这是顺辉岩板联手艺术家陈健珊创作的岩板壁画“顺鲤成章”。它纳入铜凿剪纸的非遗文化技法,在大漆系列岩板的基础上,采用炫彩釉复烧。一侧置有同样来自佛山民间艺术社创作的竹编船只装置,灵动自然,呼应在地文化。 一镜到底:场景体验与系统标识 以电影中的长镜头手法解构空间,形塑明晰动线——不折返,一“镜”到底。墙及地面运用不同岩板,区隔出客厅、餐厅、厨房、卫浴、选材区、洽谈区的不同场域。 黑白灰的底调之下,软装陈设偏向挑选富有视觉冲击力的艺术家私。跳跃的色彩、创意的造型,譬如厨房吊灯来自蔡烈超工作室的马扎灯2.0,柔软的丝线与硬质的灯管好似韧带与骨骼,相互连接、支撑,构成轻盈的光网;橱柜与意大利品牌Alfa 合作,将收纳定制与饰面板完美融合。艺术与人文,传统与创新,诗意与理性,如斯缓缓奏响,静静流淌……
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  5. Simple clean and transparent

  6. The Transition of Elegance

  7. The Art of Living

  8. Tansu Tranquility

  9. Coffeehouse

  10. A Symbiotic Second Home

  11. Vive la vie

  12. Rewind


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  17. Shanghai Hongming Office Showroom Design

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