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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Designer Chia Hsin Chi
English The industrial style expected by the client is complemented by modern systematic kitchen utensils, sophisticated furniture, and simple decorations. Considering that the beam above the entry of the original construction was low, the designer used galvanized steel plate to make the right side of the beam column raise upwards so that the the view of the house would be higher and wider. Even though track lights were used, the designer still made sure that the circuit can be accurately hidden above lighting fixtures. Moreover, the designer remained spaces for plant domestication, which can not only clear the mind but also keep the air fresh.
Native 本案以作為乘載年輕有衝勁的築夢青年的巢為目標發想,將居住者期待的工業風格,輔以摩登的系統式廚具、細緻的傢俱以及簡約的家飾,平衡過度剛硬、低彩度及冷色調的工業風,融合出既符合案主期待,又適合居住的現代高級工業風住所。值得一提的是,入門時原本建案的樑壓得很低,設計師考量到,若根據此高度去做天花板的設計,會讓居住者感到過度壓迫。因此設計師在使用鍍鋅鋼板材質製作該處天花板之設計時,在樑柱的右側直接向上揚起,讓天花板的線條不會被樑阻擋,製造屋內更加挑高開闊的視野。因為天花板是裸露的原始狀態,設計師將照明多埋藏在邊角與結構樑兩側,只有些許的部分以上照壁燈作為補光。即使屋內部分的照明運用了軌道燈,設計師要求機電施工布線過程中也確保其能精準地藏在燈具正上方。在空間的設計上,仍留下了大量植栽的空間,確保空間擁有足夠的綠意。
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  5. Simple clean and transparent

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  11. Vive la vie

  12. Rewind


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