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Country China
Year 2021
Affiliation 8C
Designer XianguiCHEN
English 8C is transformed from a factory building of 1960s. Entering the building, a private negotiation area on the left, and a spacious public area on the right where the stairway made of natural wood and transparent glass connects two floors. The other design feature is an independent stage designed in lofty living room specially for musical performance on which the spotlight and sight go up. Stepping up to second floor here is divided into cozy bedroom and office area by aisle along with paintings, sculptures, and furniture. The architect,simple but comfortable, seemingly is an aesthetic feast but inherently withstands time and criticism.
Native 这是一幢由60年历史的老厂房改造而成的建筑,外观是清一色无垢纯净的白,简单却别有滋味。这种接近精神性的白,也将8C与周边的老建筑明显区分开来,自带优雅气质。 厚重的木门,纹理的质朴和细腻让人身心舒润。推门而入,往左是一个私密的洽谈区,往右则是一方宽阔的公共区域。温润的实木和通透的玻璃组成一道楼梯,无论是自然光或是灯光投射,便勾勒出如绘画一般的光影。 除了挑空客厅、会客厅、展示厅、茶室、洽谈室和西餐厅,一楼还设置了中西厨房,满足了基本的生活需求。室内,一个暖暖的壁炉让会谈充满温度,如若移步室外,栽种着热带植物的阳光房则成了三五好友品尝下午茶的好去处。沿着楼梯拾级而上,二楼则是舒适的办公和居住区。绘画、雕塑、家具……每一个转角,都能与艺术不期而遇。挑空客厅上方的挑台,是一个为音乐表演而设计的独立舞台,舞台面积不大,但绝对是灯光和目光聚集的焦点所在。一层二层的观众或倚靠在沙发上,或盘坐于楼梯上,都可以最舒适的状态聆听曼妙音乐。 整个建筑于简洁中见自在,表面看是美学仪式,内里却渊源流淌。每一个细节都被安排得恰到好处。
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