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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Client Peter Interior Design
Affiliation Living Design
Designer Jung Yuan Hou
English In modern urban environment, people really need the spirit of their experiences, instead of material consumption; therefore, we feel that the interior space shall empower the connective relationships amongst the family members, as good design will enrich the relationship between, and living quality of, the residents which is far more important than emphasis on interior hardware and building materials. So, in terms of layout planning, individuality of each area is maintained to constructing a communicative spatial relationship, so that the residence is not just a place of dwelling, but also a warm place to live in.
Native 屋主身為貿易企業主,在豐富的差旅經歷中對南洋島國的休閒氛圍念念不忘,因此特別嚮往運用溫潤的木質建構新居。而平日忙於事業的屋主夫妻,也希望回到家之後能和兒子擁有最親密的互動,構成了我們將公領域盡量放大,並賦予多元機能的設計核心。 現代都會裡,人們欠缺的不是物質,而是精神感受。我們認為空間應具備緊密聯繫所有家庭成員的力量,能因為妥適的設計提升居住者彼此之間的情感和生活品質,遠比強調空間硬體設施或建材更為重要。因此在格局規劃上,既維持了各個區域的獨立性,也建構了互通聲息的空間關係,讓房子不再只是一個提供居住功能的場所,而是充滿溫度的家。 室內坪數約42坪,空間以大量的木皮元素鋪陳,藉由簡約俐落的分割線條呈現立體視覺層次,並運用嵌燈、檯燈、吊燈、間接照明等豐富的燈光計畫,創造多樣化的空間情境與氛圍。 原始屋況為三房格局,因應家庭成員單純,將其中一房實牆拆除後改為半開放書房,餐廚區則與客廳連成一氣,形成流暢通透、具有凝聚力的生活場域。 從進門開始,即以一片有如裝置藝術的木質立面聚焦視覺,內部其實藏有收納鞋子的實際機能,箱體懸空的造型、兩側採鏡面材質構成的開放層板,均有效弱化了量體的厚重感。有別於廳區木地板的拼接磚質地坪,以及由木質框定空間段落的設計手法,讓人得以在此拋下外在角色、轉換心情。 室內空間因建築既有結構的關係,產生多處不平整的凹凸區域,我們盡力透過設計化解凌亂的線條,給予居住者俐落清爽的視覺效果,並且延伸出適合屋主需求的實用功能價值。
Positive Comments
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  1. Between Light · Corridor

  2. In praise of shadows


  4. Reverse time

  5. Single senior residents

  6. Realm of Tranquility

  7. Simple Corner of Nature

  8. Immerse in Sunlight

  9. New Asian Styling


  11. Extension

  12. French Sentiment Taipei

  13. UFO Collection

  14. Cloud Bookshelf

  15. Sales offices

  16. Pure WH

  17. Doggy Talky

  18. engraft


  20. Neo Modern L Bend Mixer

  21. FEI YANG

  22. Aroma Cocktail Lounges

  23. SpaceMaster

  24. Balance

  25. Poster [The Exhibition of Isu Is Size]

  26. Gwanghwamun Haemul

  27. Olive Young promotion packages for VIP

  28. Haizhou WuYue Plaza

  29. Symbiosis

  30. Colors of Strength & Tenderness

  31. Memory of Purple

  32. Caffe Diem @ Pekan Cina

  33. the track stretcher bed

  34. LIFE Lab.

  35. Boundary

  36. Cohesion

  37. Ai photography robot

  38. Colorful Palette

  39. The 10th Anniversary of CDU-Wintec

  40. The Hill Boutique

  41. Diversity and Cohesion

  42. Jade Artwork

  43. Synergetic Purity

  44. Black and White Narrative

  45. IJOY Slippers

  46. Reborn

  47. Microflat X

  48. bow lamp named "Monday"

  49. Circadian Glasses

  50. Forest Mood

  51. Dust Respirator Mask

  52. Seoul City bicycle

  53. Coreintive Corporate Identity

  54. Icy Speaker

  55. brutalist architecture

  56. KSCF Branding & VI

  57. DATAMONOLITH_AI Data Sculpture

  58. sosori

  59. Sunhyangjung

  60. Mobile Stream

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