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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Designer Cao Xiaomao
English This project aims to create a rural ‘shelter’ open to citizens during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this view, the site is chosen in a hidden but beautiful mountain valley with a wide natural view in the front. The architectural volume is arranged as an enclosed courtyard to create shared privacy for the guests. In order to create a closer relationship with nature, materials for both interior and exterior are simple, elegant, and collected from nature. The steady and calm image of buildings creates a rural shelter for citizens to enjoy a peaceful moment.
Native 刀田驿民宿位于湖北省当阳市百里荒旅游景区刀田驿康养小镇(一期)3号地块,海拔1200米;临近百里荒生态旅游区,距宜昌市中心40公里,坐落于崇山峻岭上,刀田土脊间。地块背靠拾级而上的梯田,场地前视野开阔,草木葱郁。每到丰收时节,山林秋色的掩映下独具特色的民居与袅袅炊烟构成了闲静山居的独特风景。建筑北高南低,与地形山势紧密结合。场地内建筑呈合院式排布,屋顶层叠错落。每一户使用者都拥有独立且开阔的视野,身处室内便能将山川与森林的景色纳入眼底。刀田驿山居项目用地1275平米,占地面积552平米,总建筑面积712平米。场地内设计有4种不同户型,共计8个独立的“居住单元”,8个居住单元高低错落,围合形成中心合院,合院之外,每家每户都拥有独立的外院及内院,院与院之间的空间相互渗透,私密与开放的空间转换之间,视野开合幽闭,带来了丰富的场所体验。在设计之中,建筑担任了画框的角色,每一扇窗都考虑了自然的视野,山景决定了开窗的方向,室内的布置也着重考虑了“对景”的效果,空间围绕中心庭院与田野远山展开,最大程度的引入自然山景,身处房间之中就能切身体会动态的四时之美。
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