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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Pathfinder Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Dai Wei Shen, Huang Fu Chien
English We adopt a gray and white color scheme to set the overall space. For instance, coat the interior walls with a decorative painting-an elegant-textured gray faux finish to present a varied layering look. In addition, pave light-colored wooden floor to correspond with the main tone. Then, exploit dark Walnut veneers with mountain grains to set the TV wall, the wall beside the desk, and the storage cabinets in the dining area. The whole space reveals a strong contrasting charm via the dark and light elements.
Native 整體空間以灰白雙色定調,運用紋理淡雅、色階多變的灰色裝飾漆,為立面妝點不同層次的灰階,地坪則採用淺色木地板,呼應主色調;電視牆、書桌旁立壁與餐廳的收納櫃,皆使用山形紋深色胡桃木皮包裹,全室以深淺相間的色彩,形塑強烈對比的視覺感。 因應小巧、狹長的格局,運用玻璃拉門作為場所間的區隔,確保居者隱私之餘,也保有光線的通透性,此外,配合挑高的室內空間,天花板以留白手法呈現,能反射戶外自然光,將其導入室內,打造開闊明亮的視域。 本案運用些許復古風采的半圓形造型,潤飾電視牆邊角,提升活動的安全性,相同的元素也延伸至天花板,以圓潤流暢的線條,過渡上方夾層與屋梁,而流線設計,也與下方屋主彈奏鋼琴的音律相互呼應,演繹出輕盈的律動感;散布於各處的木紋立面與黑色鐵件層架,則以俐落線條和沉穩色調,為空間奠定時尚的成熟風範。 各場域的照明規劃,以情境和機能性為考量,於鋼琴上方置入LED燈帶,除了補足光源,也作為展示架的氣氛燈;樓梯間安裝梯腳燈,確保行經安全並兼作夜燈使用,沙發後方柱體則採用間接照明,為冷色調的空間注入和煦暖光。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design's sophisticated use of a gray and white color scheme, complemented by elegant textures and strategic use of dark walnut veneers, was lauded for creating a space of contrasting charm. Its careful balance of light and dark elements, along with the incorporation of varied textures and high-quality materials, effectively enhances the visual depth and luxury, achieving a harmonious and refined interior atmosphere.
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