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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation C3 Qizuo Archinterior Design Jo Her Ltd
Designer Hsien Yu Liao Po Lin Chen
English The exterior of the building is neutral in color, and the expression of each facade is pure. The door and uncarved iron railings allude to purity and naturalness. Inside, the minimalistic and bright atmosphere with high ceilings is refreshing. In contrast to the distracting street scene outside, the interior has old woods to show the delicacy and to complement the desserts in the showcase. The brand's emphasis on "handmade cakes" and "natural ingredients" is so natural in the space. The old building materials show their sensibility, while the project gives them a new look and meaning.
Native 本作品屋齡逾50年,品牌主打手作蛋糕與新鮮食材,因此設計端遂沿用此二點作為靈感發想,以古樸、簡約設計挹注在作品中,利用老式建材本身的紋理與特性,搭配礦物漆料的質感,簡單地利用鐵件與玻璃勾勒區域,形塑具有人文脈絡的別樣商空空間。以中性色調做為整棟建築物外觀,各立面的表現非常純粹,簡單的古樸門扇、沒有雕花的鐵件欄杆等,暗喻著空間的純粹與天然,大門入口以帶有斑駁紋理的門扇作為迎賓的第一印象,排闥而入,簡潔明亮的挑高設計讓人耳目一新,有別於室外紛擾的街景風光,室內以舊式木材堆疊出環境的細膩與人文薈萃,就像蛋糕的派底一樣,成為環境襯底最重要的配角。如同品牌想傳遞的訊息,「手作蛋糕」與「天然食材」在空間中顯得如此自然,老舊建材回應著空間的知性與底蘊,環境給予建材全新的面貌與意義,飽含在建材之間的歲月與時代,讓每一位消費者來到此地,皆能品嘗到不同滋味的全新感受。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The project was lauded for its ability to craft a serene, minimalist interior that harmoniously contrasts the bustling exterior, effectively embodying the brand's core values of natural ingredients and handmade quality through thoughtful use of space and materials.
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  1. Murakoshi House

  2. Weaving Haifu


  4. Wave House

  5. In Between the Red Brick Wall

  6. Chengdu BMW Experience Center

  7. QUARK

  8. Yung Zing Tung Copper Culture Gallery

  9. Grayscale of Light

  10. Space 5 point 7

  11. bibu pet store

  12. Mist Garden

  13. H Wave Wall

  14. Quanzhou Experimental Middle School

  15. IOC of Jingzhou factory

  16. Boundless Boundaries

  17. Ribbon House

  18. Mancave

  19. Chengdu MINI Showroom Complex

  20. Bamboo House

  21. Birch Forest

  22. Stream Office

  23. My Boundary

  24. Daotianyi Moutain Hotel

  25. House in Niigata

  26. DNAKE Smart Central Control Screen Knob

  27. Maguro


  29. BTS

  30. Changwon Public Library Rebranding

  31. KClighting Global Flagship Showroom

  32. IOC for Midea Headquarter

  33. Zhangzhou City Museum

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