Extra Form
Country Japan
Year 2024
Affiliation Kiryu Construction
Designer Kazunori Kiryu
English The planned site is a new subdivision located in the suburbs. Many homes close their curtains for privacy and security reasons. In this plan, we aimed to create a design that combines privacy and openness. In the center of the building, we placed a skip terrace with a different height from the indoor floor. This terrace also serves as a blindfold from the outdoors, giving residents a sense of security and openness. We thought that an open house would allow you to feel nature in your daily life. With this house, I wanted to change the uniformity of people's lives and the streetscape.
Native 今回の計画地は、郊外に位置する新しい分譲地です。 日本の住宅地では、均等に区画された土地に、同じ様な規模の家を建てます。 多くの家がプライバシーと防犯面から、カーテンを閉切り生活しています。 この計画では、プライバシーと開放感の相反するデザインを実現させようと考えました。 建物の中心に、室内の床から高さを変えたスキップテラスを配置しました。 このテラスは屋外からの目隠しにもなり、暮らす人々に安心感と開放感を与えます。 日常生活で、自然を感じる事が開放的な家と考えました。 構造材や外壁材には、多くの国内産の木材を使用しています。 外壁材は、経年変化したように見せる為に、グレーに着色しています。 木材を使用しながら、現代にも取り入れられるモダンなデザイン住宅を考えました この木の家が、街と協調しながら画一的な街並みを変えます。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The innovative design of the new subdivision home, which balances privacy with openness through the strategic use of a skip terrace, has been highly praised. This feature not only enhances the home's aesthetic appeal but also provides residents with a sense of security and connection to nature, challenging the uniformity of suburban life and streetscapes. The design's thoughtful consideration of daily life and its integration with nature has been recognized as a significant contribution to modern residential architecture.
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  1. Murakoshi House

  2. Weaving Haifu


  4. Wave House

  5. In Between the Red Brick Wall

  6. Chengdu BMW Experience Center

  7. QUARK

  8. Yung Zing Tung Copper Culture Gallery

  9. Grayscale of Light

  10. Space 5 point 7

  11. bibu pet store

  12. Mist Garden

  13. H Wave Wall

  14. Quanzhou Experimental Middle School

  15. IOC of Jingzhou factory

  16. Boundless Boundaries

  17. Ribbon House

  18. Mancave

  19. Chengdu MINI Showroom Complex

  20. Bamboo House

  21. Birch Forest

  22. Stream Office

  23. My Boundary

  24. Daotianyi Moutain Hotel

  25. House in Niigata

  26. DNAKE Smart Central Control Screen Knob

  27. Maguro


  29. BTS

  30. Changwon Public Library Rebranding

  31. KClighting Global Flagship Showroom

  32. IOC for Midea Headquarter

  33. Zhangzhou City Museum

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